Music and Lucidiness

Hey, I was just wondering- for anyone who has tried this- If you got some famous person to teach you guitar, or practised any instrument in an LD would it translate to real life? Like if you learned a new technique in the dream would you then be able to do it in real life?

Probably not. After all, the person in your dream exists in your head, it would be weird if he could teach you how to play the guitar IRL if you don’t know from before how to play the guitar. Also, the music that comes from the guitar in your dream is in your head, you actually don’t even have to play on the guitar for the music to come out of it, hence the result of the technique in your dream probably wouln’t be the same if you transferred it into RL.

Hope you understood something of what I wrote (shitty grammar ftw!)

When you pluck a string on the dream guitar, it makes the sound that you want it to make. Not the sound it might actually make in RL.

They make a good point, but if you learned all the cords and memorized how they sounded and everything. Maybe your created Dc could teach you a new song that would be transferable to IRL

Well, if you’re already know how to play guitar or you watched someone while he was learning, you could improve your skills on guitar, or, if you just watched someone maybe you can actually learn, because the fact that you watched someone learning from his teacher means that your mind know how to teach you!

You may be right. I think that it would be possible to compose something new, given the fact that you already know how to play.

Your DC could teach it to you as well, since that is just like saying you taught it to yourself in reality.

Of course I’m right! :biggrin: :razz:

Abut the guitar thing: In one dream I saw someone playing the guitar, but it techique DC used had no chanse of work IRL… From another hand, in dream I had not so far ago, I taked a guitar, and noticed that it sounds and works same way that IRL… I tried to play a song I can’t play IRL, and I couldn’t make it. But that was more probably result of low lucidicy than dream logic.

I guess that it’s possible to “open” talents by LD. You’d need to take control over subconsciousness… you need absoulute lucidicy to that one. And loads of luck. So my answer is that it’s propabl not a good idea. Learning things IRL is easier in IRL than in dream:P

ok, thx for the responses. If I ever get lucid now ill have something to try besides sex, lol

I don’t think you should try to take control over your subconscious at all, I think you should ask a dream character to teach you play guitar, and if he says “no”, I think you should respect that - If you won’t respect that and you’ll try to take control over your subconscious, you wouldn’t respect yourself…

DC’s don’t have to take their own, random decisions BTW … anyways, learning things IRL is easier in IRL than in dream

maybe it is for you, but not for other people…
btw. some of the people just want to try to learn stuff in dreams, even if it’s not practical, they want to experience it