Its getting me mad. Yesterday I had 4 alarm clocks go off at the EXACT same time and I still didn’t wake up. I have my alarm set to 3:30 because I think that is the time that I am most likely dreaming. Is there anything wrong, is that a bad time?
weird! maybe you should set a pager or something to go off at a certain time and have it vibrate under your pillow
It’s also possible that it is waking you up. But you have forgotten that you shut them off when you did wake up. It happens to me all the time haha.
What usually happens, is that my clock will go off, I just turn it off and go right back to bed. When I wake up in the mornings, usually I cant even remember turning off my alarm, but it would still be ringing right then if I didnt…
Now what I do, is put my alarm clock out of reach, so I’ll actually have to get up to go turn it off. I find it helps me get up and be able to stay up for that hour or so that is needed for most WILD techniques. Helps me get up for school too… haha
Anyways, yeah, your memory is pretty messed up when you wake up, then go right back to sleep (well for me anyways…)
It happened to me sometimes! lol! So I usually force myself to get up right when it goes off so I won’t fall back asleep immediately unless I wanted to WILD. My mom used to make me to place my alarm clock at the OTHER end of my room so I have to walk a LONG distance just to stop it! Now, I have my end table by me and my clock’s right there, making it much harder for me to wake up though. Oh well.
So I can relate with you!
I had the same problem, what I did was I taped my alarm clock to the side of my head with electrical tape. It worked like a charm…or so it would have, but I just woke up turned it off and accidentally fell back asleep! Also, bear in mind that there is little more painful than tearing electrical tape off of your head.
I used to have this. I have my alarm set to play the radio so I just cranked up the volume, it hasn’t failed me since
You taped alarm clock to the side of your head with electrical tape! How did you go to sleep! Doesn’t that hurt!
dm7, i thaught your totaly deaf, wouldnt an alarm clock not work??
lol: lol:
I don’t know how DM7 does it, but I have a hearing impairment, and in stead of a regular alarm clock I have an alarm clock connected to a box which I put under the pillow, and which vibrates heavily to wake me up
In my opinion people who are heavy sleepers, generally live in noisy environments . Perhaps they may live in a house with lots of children making noise, or perhaps having to sleep through talkative room mates, loud television or stereo sets, or through industrial or commercials noises or loud street noise within close proximity of their home, etc etc. Then also heavy alcohol drinking and or sleeping pill doses can cause one to be a heavy sleeper, not to forget the hearing impaired.