My attempt at WILD last night

Last night I tried WILD.

I woke up at 3:17 so I thought I’d try WILD. After 30-45 min I lay on my back. In the past I thought relaxation was my problem so I plugged in my earbuds with nature and relaxation tracks. I got to where I could ignore the itches and my hands and feet felt tingly and even the slight electric impulses and cold air moving through my arms.

I was using the counting method, “1 I am dreaming” etc. Most of the time I only saw black. I wasn’t sure if I should move my eyes or keep them still like my body. Eventually I saw shimmers of shadow and gray haze and bluish sunspots like when you glare into the sun sort of. I saw a lot of thought images as my mind wandered but no vivid HI or colors like I wanted :cry: . I tried to focus on my breathing and counting but my mind would still wander as I did that. I didn’t lose my place until toward the very end, I had trouble remembering which number I was on.

Here are the things I experienced. Spinning, floating sensation, tingling, numbness, itches. I didn’t realize what a big deal the saliva thing was, I had to swallow spit now and then and I was afraid it was breaking the process. At one point, either at 600 or 1600 I tried not to swallow and I felt as if I might choke. I remembered reading about this so I kept going. my heart rate started accelerating and I started feeling excited/panicky - it was a strange sensation. It took all my energy and focus just trying to keep my breathing normal and it was really intense. But I eventually swallowed and I think I aborted the process although at the time I thought I might have been riding it out, but everything went backwards so I doubt it. I also didn’t feel my body as much just my inner exhilaration and I felt kinda warm inside. I got to this part again later but never seemed to pass it.

I’m thinking the sounds might not have helped because even on the lowest setting they were pretty loud, and I was getting really tired without falling asleep. I eventually gave up at number 3,460 and it was like 6:30 am my body was asleep and tingly at first but no SP. I must have done something wrong because I was laying there for 3 hours and no success. Incidentally I still couldn’t fall asleep until I took the earbuds out, so maybe my good idea wasn’t so good. :help: Any advice??

First of all, you were very close. The floating sensation, the accelerated heartbeat and sudden excitement mean that you are very close to SP. What I normally do at this stage is I start imagining a dream until it fully forms. You cant really just expect everything to happen on your own, you have to help it along. Also, you normally dont fall asleep while tired because you dont stretch. Always do full stretches before trying to WILD, as it greatly increases your chances. Last thing is maybe the earbuds were bothering you? I generally find it hard to fall asleep when something is putting pressure on me.