My Dream Place

I was reading through some posts and saw somthing that i think was called vild ? where you constantly visualize a place and you will start there or something to that respect correct me if im wrong. Well anywayz i started thinking of a place that i could concstantly think about being and that i would love to be at and i knew of a beach that i love and wish i could be there so from now on before im go to sleep ima look a t a picture of it and picture my self there in my LD, hopefully this will help some lets see. these are some of the pics btw tell me which one is the best to look at for vild. … rgent4.jpg … rgent1.jpg (Last one down in middle column)

Woah, that third pic is one long link…

Anyways, VILD is basically visualising the same situation over and over again until you fall asleep.

In it, you’ve got your place (so, you’ll have your beach) and then visualise something that makes you take your RC’s (Pedro, who invented, had his freinds come up to him and tell him to take his RC’s). Visualise the RC’s passing and you becoming lucid.

You then start again and carry on going until you fall asleep and end up in that situation. At which point you will take the RC and realise that you’re dreaming.

I think it’s used along side WBTB, cos I can’y really see it working without it.

Anyways, try searching for ‘VILD’ and the author as ‘Pedro’ and you should find his thread, in which he explains it clearer than I did and how he discovered it as well as other people’s experinces with it.

the best thing to do that i have found is to choose a place or an image that you can really feel as well something with emotin behind it that really sticks with you. good luck :smile: