Last night I was a bit tired but decided to try WILD, which I had never done previously.
First, I let my thoughts go crazy, I had some good ideas but didn’t bother writing them down. Then I emptied all thoughts, and then tried thinking of some classical music tune, I think I chose Beethoven’s 5th symphony 2nd Movement… but that didn’t really work, I could hear the music but it was really boring, so I started thinking of some stuff, and it was really vivid thinking, like I started seeing the pictures I was imagining, and overall feeling very relaxed. I was lying on my back, my legs straight forward and hands behind my head, I never sleep like this but I do that position when I think and want to be awake.
So time rolls on, and suddenly I can hear my breathing faint, like going away, and suddenly my eyelids are blinking at a terrifying rate, like my eyes are closed but they’re twitching, despite this I try relaxing but the blinking becomes so irritating and intense that at one point I give an involuntary “crunch” to my eyelids, where I squint them to prevent them from jumping around, and the sensation goes away. I guess I was soo close it pissed me off. I also saw some hazy shades of colors, but other than that - nothing.
I start thinking again and I think they were a bit more vivid than the last, and my hands are getting quite numb since they’re behind my head, but I’m concentrating at controlling my breathing since my heartrate jumped up a lot after the first attempt. After a while my breathing subsides again and my eyes start the extreme blinking again, this time I try imagining the dream already, as to not pay attention but my body snaps again and forces me to do the “crunch”.
Now I decided to change position, and went to my right side, and start imagining again. After a brief moment it felt like I fell 50 metres, I got too alarmed to ‘go with the flow’ and immidiately interrupted, which I cursed myself about soon after. Well I do the breathing thing and after around 10 minutes it’s gotten me nowhere, so I flip to my left side, putting one hand close to my heart so I can feel it beat and another out of the way of anything else. Soon after it was too late to continue any experimentation and I was mentally tired aswell so I just fell asleep.