My first LD. I think...

Yesterday night I think I had my first LD.

It was comprised of 3 segments. The first, which I don’t remember made me realize that I was dreaming. I tried some RC’s and I remember that holding my nose worked! I could breathe and I felt my whole body ‘breathing’ the air. It was an amazing feeling. However, for some reason, I think I tried putting my finger thru my hand and that didn’t work. I don’t remeber this very clearly but I think that’s what happened.

Well in this first segment, for some reason. I closed my eyes and said to myself, “when I open my eyes I will be in a [fun/another] place” (I’m not sure if I said fun or whatever). When I opened my eyes I was in a football stadium, on the field, in the endzone. But I was under this thing, this thing was some sort of ‘stage’ near the end of the endzone. Anyhow, I sat there for a while and watched the game. Then I decided to go into the endzone and watch it from there, so I got a folding chair and sat down. Again I did a RC, I held my nose and could breathe, BUT I tried putting my finger thru my hand and it didn’t work. I’m not sure if it didn’t work or if I just didn’t realize that it didn’t work.

Well after this I closed my eyes again and said to myself, "when I open my eyes I will see my ‘guardian/protector’ " Not really sure what I said at this point but thats the best interpretation I can make. So after I opened my eyes I was floating in ‘space’ or something of the sort. I could see an infinite purplish sky with specks of stars everywhere. And lo and behold I see a robot looking thing with its arms and legs surrounding me. It looked like the robot from that Disney? (not sure if its disney) movie about a robot and a boy. I wasn’t scared or anything b/c for some reason I knew it was protecting me even tough there was nothing to harm me.

Well I’m not sure if that was an LD or not b/c I had very little control and since it was my first one I guess I did not have a full realization that I was dreaming so I didn’t make anything out of it.

I would say that was your first LD. Congratulations!!!
Because you realised you where reaming and changed the dream scene. Even though you had little control you still had some which is all you need for a LD. Well done i hope you have many more to come.

As long as you knew you were dreaming at some point then it was an LD