My First LD!!!!!

I finally had a LD!!! But i didn’t use a method or anything. I tried VILD before i went to sleep but nothing happened. I woke up went to the bathroom came back and went back to sleep to find my self running away from raptors from Jurassic Park. I jumped and climbed a pole to get away but then without even controlling myself i said “Wait,” i put my arm up looked at my hand and said “Im dreaming”. Then after that i let go of the pole. Everything, the raptors, the surroundings everything faded away and i was in my house. Thats when i was in control. Anyway. All i did was walk around my house and outside to the next door neighbors house. I didn’t realy try much except walk through doors which was realy realy easy. Near the end of the dream i thought to myself “what happens if i dont remember any of this?” but i ignored it and kept walking around. When i woke up my DR for that dream was vary dark. I could barily remember it until i tried. How can i remember my LDs? I cant wait to get another one. Im going to try VILD again. Thanks.

Congratulations!! :grin:

Even if a technique like VILD don’t work at first, all the thinking about lucid dreaming can induce a DILD.

It can be easier to remember dreams if you lie in bed for a few minutes after sleep and think about the dreams. :cool: It sounds like a good idea to tell yourself in the dream that you will remember it! I think I will try that in the next LD :cool:

First off, congrats on the LD! Remembering a LD goes the same way as a ND, for some it’s even easier since you are more conscious during a LD then during a ND. So how well do you remember your ND’s? Do you keep a regular DJ? Also the tips of Siiw are ofcourse advisable :smile:.

yeah, I talked to siiw in the IRC, she is pretty cool.

Yes, all hail Siiw :cool:.

Anyways - I find that during the LD, telling yourself to remember it will help (eg. you see something really cool, and say ‘I will remember this.’).

Also, concentrating on how something looks/feels/whatever helps a lot as well (eg. i had a un-vivd LD the other night, but when I looked at and considered how realistic my hand looked, I can what it looked like remember really well).