My First LD!

Yes, I finally did it! I fell asleep normally and had a DILD. I do not remember how I became conscious I was dreaming, it just happened. I think I was automatically lucid when I entered my dream. Everything was so amazingly clear.

I looked at my hands, and I had four fingers on each hand, and they were webbed. I tried sticking my hand through glass and at first, it felt solid, but I tried it again and my hand went through, but it still felt solid at a point.

Hey congrats! That mustve been pretty cool, im still waiting to experience my first LD.

Gratz! Stay dilligent and they will come more frequently :smile:

YAY!!! :happy:

Congratz! I’m sure you’ll have plenty more experiences! Thanks for letting us know about it! How long did it last? My first one was really short but enough to have me hooked :wink:

I was hooked the first time I heard about it. :tongue: Congratulations on your first lucid dream, Slinger. Did you start a Dream Journal? If not, starting one would be a good idea. I’d love to read it. Also, in celebration, I have a special surprise for you:

:yay: :boogie: :yay: :boogie: :yay: The Hoorah Team!
Take a bow! :adored: Hang on - you didn’t perform! SECURITY! :grrr:

Ok, silliness over. Good Luck, Slinger!

   I'd say about a couple hours (dream time).
   Yep, I have about 15 entries in it, but I haven't made one on the forums.

Thanks :smile:

Ah. Well, I look forward to the day you do decide to have one here. I also have a sucessful private DJ. :read:

No problem. Creating the Hoorah Team was fun! :content: Encore! Encore! :lol:

Yay! Go you. Well done and keep going! I can’t wait to have my first! :boogie: :boogie:

You are lucky. My hands are like that in real life.

Congratulations on your lucid dream. :ok: :thumbs: :partying_face: :beer: :good:

You have just crossed an important barrier. You now know lucid dreaming is real!

Good luck on you next lucid dream!