I was laying in a bed that seemed to be on the landing in a stair well. The bed had several stuffed animals on it. They started moving and I said to myself I must be dreaming. I became lucid and jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs into a small room. In that room was Kevin Rose and someone else. I asked Kevin if he had ever heard of lucid dreaming or words to that effect. He had a book in his hand and said that was what the book was about. He then waved toward a large plate glass window that looked out over a swimming pool full of multicolor water that changed colors constantly. The colors where very bright and glowing, like colors I had seen years ago when I did acid. He said let’s fly and leaped through the window and I was right behind him. I soared over the pool and then decided to see if I could walk on water. I landed on the water and sure enough instead of sinking in, the water only dimpled as I walked on it. I looked down into the water and could see the outlined of several people swimming several feet under the water, below me. I started feeling guilty about walking on water as it seems like a Christ like thing to do and I felt unworthy to be doing such a thing. I walked onto dry land and into a building that seemed to be some kind of night club. There were a lot of people milling around and I spotted a beautiful black woman in some kind of see thru dress or night gown. Since it was a dream I decided to have sex with her on the spot and did so. It was quick and dirty as most sex in dreams (my dreams anyway) is. I walked into another room and who did I see but Kirstie Alley of the TV show Cheers. Only thing was that she was at least 8, maybe 9 feet tall. Never one to run from a challenge I started to climb aboard, but for some reason I didn’t. I don’t remember exactly why because I sure wanted to. Later I was in a Video arcade or a game room where people were playing games, but they were not really video games but more like Hand eye coordination games that you see in Christmas catalogs every year. I played one that involved moving small shallow buckets on a series of towers connected by strings kind of like a ski lift set up, but in miniature. I controlled the movement of the buckets, which caught small balls, using 2 cranks kind of like fly fishing reels. I beat the game even though I am not sure what the object of the game was. But I remember feeling that I had won. Later I went outside and tried to fly again but I kept hitting the branches of trees and when I got away from the trees, Kevin who had appeared again pointed out that there were high voltage lines in the area and I should be careful. I decided to try the walking on water bit again but this time a sank down and down very deep but did not get wet. I was fearful for a second or to but then remembered it was only a dream and I soon rose back up out of the water like a person on an elevator except I could see thru the completely transparent walls. The dream was quite long I estimated from looking at the clock it lasted about 45 minutes to an hour. Quite a few other things happened but they revolved around family experiences and were of a day to day personal nature. I have had one other lucid dream this long a few days ago and I had this dream on the first night I had decided to keep a dream journal so I had the pen and paper right there when I woke up and started writing immediately. I first read about lucid dreaming about 15 years ago in an article in Omni magazine. I had some success almost immediately but got away from trying to have them before to long. I started trying again several months ago and have had several very vivid lucid dreams since. Any feedback would be appreciated.
congratulations…nice dreaming!
About walking on water and feeling unworthy since its a Christ thing to do… dont feel like that! I am sure Christ wants you to do things like walk on water.
You dont need to feel unworthy for anything like that… just enjoy it!
and keep it up,