My first true LD experience

Hi! Another newbie just registered :wink:

Just wanted to share my excitement for the moment. I got into to LD a couple of days ago, but I discovered this site yesterday and it really inspired me to try out all of the techniques featured.
I´ve had a LD twice in my life, and the second one came last night.
I couldn´t even imagine myself that it was coming that soon from getting to know about it. Well, before falling asleep, I focused on having a LD, my mind was completely filled with it, I had been reading about it all day.
I woke up from very strange dreams twice that night, but none of them were LD, I felt it coming though.
In the third dream, I found myself going to a friends party and had no clothes to wear, just a simple trainingsuit… I had travalled long way to get to this friend, who IRL lives in another part of the country (I live in Sweden). I got more and more frustrated, the party was about to begin in a couple of minutes… And then I realized “I would never have travelled this long for a party and not bringing any fine clothes with me”. And then it struck me, all of the information I´d received that day about LD, it was really happening. I remembered reading about RC, and then got hold of a watch, which (of course) showed different time every time I looked at it.
I then looked at my hands, and they sort of “pumped”, from being normal to being very fat and big, it looked creapy as hell, but i was thrilled!! :cool_laugh:
I went out on the street to try my wings, and it surely worked :happy: After that I flew around for a while, punched some people in the face and then woke up. I´m not a violent person IRL but this was really funny :content:
Since I know it´s not very common for beginners to have LD the very first night they are focusing on it, but it somehow came to me, and i´m still very thrilled.
I hope this wasn´t the last one though :cool:

PS. My english isn´t fantastic, but I hope it´s readable. DS.

congrats pr0zpeCt, and welcome to ld4all! :smile:

you’re definitely off to a good start it sounds like. i’m not violent either, but i must say i want to just go up and kick somebody in the nuts sometime in my dream… it would be hilarious :cool_laugh:!

i don’t think this will be your last LD, as long as you stick with the program. that’s the key thing for LD’s, just stay consistent. :smile: good luck, welcome again!

Hey Prozpect!!
Welcome to the LD4ALL forum…the place to be. Congrats on your second LD!! Its a good thing that one question triggered your lucidity! You are off to a very wonderful start! If u keep it up(which im sure u will), u will have many many more kool LDs! LAter on after u get the hang of LDs, u will be able to experiment with other things such as WILD, MILD, WBTB method etc…
Good luck in what ever u do ! If u really have an intention, u will succed(i have definitely learned that!!)

P.S its really kool how u were able to ‘sprout’ wings and fly away!!
c ya ^_~

HA HA HA HA! :rofl: Congrats on your LD! It’s funny, you’ve gotten good creavity! I just love it!!!

And WELCOME to ld4all forum, I’m thrilled to see you!

Thanks alot, I love this place already :smile:
Yes, that thing with punching people in the face is really something extra… You just feel like go breaking som rules, it´s doesn´t matter what you do, as long as you break some rules :grin:
Btw, do you guys think that the different programs that triggers a certain sound in the middle of the night is something to stick with?
Some are featured on this page, so i wonder if you ppl have any experience of them…good/bad?

C ya!

hi pr0zpeCt! Welcome 2 the LD4All forum !

Awesome dream dude!! :content: Congrats on becoming lucid for the 2nd time!! way to go! Im sure u will get lots more^_~