My first try at having a LD, and a question.

Hi, i’m new here :smile:

yesterday i tried having my first LD (actually i’ve had some a long time ago but i didn’t realise it’s called that way / i can do all kind of things in there), and it ended up having a nightmare.
I tried using the WILD method, as in dreaming directly into lucidity, but i got trapped in a black room with fast moving shadows and windows on the ceiling, and everytime i tried to teleport or do anything it didnt work, i was paralyzed, i remembered reading that if i get to a situatino liek that i can wake myself up, and thats the only thing that worked.

So i woke myself up, and decided i’ll take it slow and make a dream diary,
i went back to sleep and when i woke up after a few other dreams i could only remember the end of my dreams.
My question is, how do you keep a hold of your dreams ? (None lucid dreams/or Lucid)


wnn :help:

sounds like you have some impressive dreaming wnn! :happy:

WILD can be difficult for even the most experience lucid dreamer. I would looking into the WBTB combined with the MILD technique.

You also say you are going to start a dream diary, that’s a great start to boost your dream recall.

To “keep a hold of your dreams” I try to become tactile and feel the ground below my feet. Some yell out “increase clarity now” or “Increase stability now.” These methods only work for lucid or semi-lucid dreams.
For non-lucid dreams I guess you can try to keep a good steady sleep schedule and a current dream diary.

I agree. A dream diary can be a great help if you keep at it! Regularly reading through it gives you a closer contact with your dreams. This might also improve your dream recall.
Other techniques to stabilize a LDs: rub your hands together, ground yourself, as DreamAddict said, or touch a dream object. Spinning also seems to help. You have to experiment with all these techniques to find out which one works best for you.

Good luck :content: