Last night I tried to WILD for the first time… I go to bed, and start doing these relaxation exercises, but my mind kept drifting off to other things… the only “HI” I got was just some weird white smoky stuff… After about half an hour, I still saw the white smoke ( I had seen a few phsychadelic shapes at one time) But all this time, I didn’t feel strange… I could just get up open my eyes do what I wanted whenever I wanted…
After the half an hour I decided that I would go to sleep and try WBTB, I didn’t set my alarm because I knew that I would go back to sleep no matter what time it was (I’m on holiday). So I go to sleep, wake up at eight thanks to the téléphone…
I try to WILD again but I just couldn’t concentrate ! And I fell asleep after about 10 seconds…
Oh but wait !!! I did have a lucid dream, the problem is I didn’t remember a single dream !!! GRRR !! T_T