omg, i cant believe i did it, im so excited
its 500am eastern time…im supposed to wake up in an hour and a half but im so excited
the dream:
ok, before i went to bed i did MILD (keep that in mind)
so i was having a ND which i dont remember and i think it woke me up but not all teh way because i dont remember being awake. I just remember being in the dream and the next thing i know im in bed (i just hope that i didnt dream i had a WILD )
SO i was in bed and as soon as i knew i was in bed i felt myself falling back asleep. So i duno y but i decided to watch my eyelids.
Next thing i know my eyeslids and my whole body start shaking. I started to hear bells ringing (Hypnotic sound…very cool ). Then the dots infront of my eyes formed into a telephone shape. Then it got color. Then it was all around me. Next thing i know im in a room with three guys, but it looks like an anime cartoon. The first thing i though was “go someplace relaxing” So i went to hawaii but for soem reason it still didnt feel right so i sent myself to my house and it finally felt like i was in a dream.
First thing i did was i succeded in blowing up a poptarts box in my kitchen and making sparkles come out of my finger. I went into my living room and blew up a bigger part of the wall. (the way i finally was able to blow stuff up was pointing at it and saying ‘bam’). I also levitated by saying “levitate”. I also tried to fly but it didnt work. I jumped out a window and fell, but the window didnt break this time.
Walking back to my house i was trying ot thik of things to do. I decided to make a cell phone appear and try to call someone.
I made the cell phone appear but never got the chance to call someone. I think i slipped into a ND then back into a LD becase theres a big gap then i remember what happened next.
So next thing i know im in the car with my mom (im driving)
I asked her a few questions then i decided to try to make this girl i like from my school appear. It was dark in the car and when i turned on the light it was a differant girl from my school that i dont like and she was trying to kiss me.
When i told her i didnt want to kiss her she turned into monster (just herself with big teeth and trying to kill me…she didnt look any differant). I remember looking down at my lap and there was a piece of paper that said “Your ludicity is low”.
I ignored ti because i was scared. I got out of the car and closed my eyes and said “I want to go to my house” over and over. And when i opened my eyes i opened my real eyes and i was back in my bead in RL.
I was scared and excited and couldnt go back to sleep so i came and typed this
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