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The risk of getting SP with HH that are scary?
I don’t think so. If he doesn’t try WILD, I figure it will NEVER EVER happen to him by LDing… Anyways HES REALLY SCARED ABOUT DREAMS/NIGHTMARES So guys be serious about this.
I keep telling him that LDing won’t do anything and that LDing will actually stop nightmares but whatever…
I had ONE experience with that and I do believe I’ve posted it on here too. It’s scary as anything but I’m really glad that I got SP and I wouldn’t take it back. I’m not completely sure if Lucid Dreaming has much to do with Sleep Paralysis, however Sleep Paralysis has a lot to do with Lucid Dreaming… If that makes any sense. <_<
When you go into SP you become lucid. Once you get over the paralysis everything seems very real and it’s hard to figure out if you were awake or not. When you do some reality checks you will indeed realize you’re dreaming. It’s fool proof, if you SP you WILL Lucid Dream. Though most of the time people are too scared and just want to wake the eff up.
He shouldn’t be too aprehensive about SP because I sure was. I was so afraid of getting it that I well… Got it. If he’s lucky he’ll get it over with and will find that there’s really nothing to be scared about. Your friend should just be very aware of what happens when you go into Sleep Paralysis and that way he won’t panic.
Yea, i’m the one that the author is talking about. What I really would like to know is what would be the best route for me to go if I want to try and avoid these scary pictures and things. I’ll accept disadvantages compared to WILD, but I really hate seeing creppy stuff.
Yeah, it doesn’t matter what you try doing… Sleep Paralysis will happen randomly. It doesn’t matter if you’re just tired and want to go to sleep… It can happen any time. True, there are certain factors that can make it more easily occur, but even Lucid Dreaming can happen randomly. The bad side effects were mostly from people who did’nt know what was happening.
In my own experience and in many many others it IS scary. However, I was reading all of these articles online about SP so when it happened… I knew exactly what was going on. My room felt like it was glowing and that there was something else in the room, something a lot of people feel… But really it was just this warm glowing feeling at the other end of the room. The really weird thing was is this note just appeared in front of me telling me I was about to get Sleep Paralysis. o_O I didn’t hear any noises and I didn’t get any Old Hag stuff thankfully… But Old Hag usually happens to people when they don’t know what it is that’s happening to them in SP. Basically, the bottom line is that it’s quite possible that you and your friend could get Sleep Paralysis, but it shouldn’t be blamed on Lucid Dreaming. The more you know about SP, the less scarier it will be. The Paralysis will pass and then you can take advantage of the fact that you’re Lucid Dreaming. Also, when you get Paralyzed… You might still be able to move. Like for me, my movement was just veeeery slow, as if I were in some real dense water. I hope I helped some. :3
When people go into SP, they don’t normally see creepy stuff. It’s more the feeling that will creep them out. But as I’ve stated just be aware of what’s happening and you won’t freak at all. Just stay calm and let it pass and all will be well.
Aw shucks. xD I lived through SP and I’m a girl. Tell him he’ll be fine. His paranoia is all for nothing. You just gotta let go and you can’t have that uptight mindset on new things.
If anything, Lucid Dreaming should be able to cure and prevent any SP along with HH (not always the case). Lucid Dreaming has been known over years to confront fears, phobias, inner problems, and even some results of perceiving problems and phyiscal problems. When you LD, you can use that opportunity to do anything, even self-therapy.
Let’s say your friend always has nightemares of vampires wants to suck his blood, whether he’s dreaming or having an LD (better luck doing this with an LD than a normal dream), he can contront the vampire in his dream by saying, “Hey. You’re not real. Go away.” This works in your dreams as a negative reinforced technique. You turn a negative effect in your dream, as you turn the tables around and confront them. In your dreams, don’t act scared, say it calmly. If this experience was an LD, he’ll have less chances of having anything lines of SP with HH.
Your friend could subliminally try a positive reinforced such security or comfort. When scary dreams occur, try making yourself an army to protect you or put yourself in a safe place like a cloud in the sky that feels like pillows. Once your mind concentrates on something else, any chances of scary dreams will go away.
If you could cure anything in your dreams, you are most likely to cure anything in reality. Lucid Dreaming could just be what your friend needs as remedy not only for sleep, but possibly facing reality, along even lines of reality’s perception. With good dreams to begin with, whether Night Terrors or even Insomnia comes into play, he’ll most likely stay asleep. Dreams work in mysterious ways.
I agree with 7Regrets. I mean… He shouldn’t blame Lucid Dreaming on Sleep Paralysis. SP is pretty rare in most people. And the point I was trying to make is that you can get Sleep Paralysis even if you’re just… Going to sleep.
First of all, SP is a sleep trouble. It’s likely to be due to melotonin (a neurotransmitter) rate. Generally, SP happens when you’re around 17. So, you’re subject to SP or you aren’t. Lucid dreaming has (quite) nothing to do with this.
It’s very rare that somebody says that LD’ing provoked SP. In some cases, this account is dubious cause it’s often someone who learnt LD’ing when they was 14, then they got SP at 17. So it’s not proven that it was really due to LD’ing. Other cases may happen when somebody wants to wake up too much quickly from a nightmare. This may happen in LD’s too (though it’s rather stupid cause it’s better to transform the dream).
If people want to try and avoid scary pictures and things, and if they are easily afraid, it’s better that they don’t practice WILD cause strange things may sometimes happen (hypnagogic imagery or sounds). Now, as for me, I don’t feel that such things are really scary, especially when you understand how it works. When you fall asleep, your forebrain is disconnected from the other parts of the brain and your external sensations are switched off. Those two things makes that your thoughts (mostly irrationnal and unconscious thoughts) appears like they were external. That’s the reason why you can see them (HI), hear them (hypnagogic sounds) and have curious proprioceptive sensations (falling, floating feelings,etc). Moreover, it doesn’t happen to everybody. Some people like me never hear the faintest curious sound.
Now if you want to avoid this, the best is to practice DILD methods (RC, MILD, autosuggestion, hand method).
Anyhow, I don’t think that it’s a good idea to practice LD’ing when you have such mental reservations. If you think that LD’ing will be frightening, it’s not a good start at all. I would give the advice to wait a little until you feel more reassured and you understand that there is nothing to be afraid of.
SP, besides, isn’t that scary. The first experience is really strange, because you kinda do and kinda don’t know what’s going on. After that, some people grow to like it (like me!). After that, I’ve ignored it because it interferes with WILD’ing, because I would get excited.
So don’t worry about SP. It’s definitely not harmful, and it happens every night whether you know it or not.
I’ve heard some people say that they started having SP after learning LD. Basilus West brought up a good point on this topic, though. They may have gotten SP at that time whether they practiced LD or not. Personally, I’ve been attempting LD by various methods for over 3 years now and have yet to experience SP, even though I WANT to. I bet there are a lot of other LDers that haven’t had SP, but I’ve never seen anybody do a poll or anything on the subject.
Even if you did get SP, what harm would it do? I can tell you right now that anything unusual you see is just the work of your imagination. The paralysis happens to you every night, whether you know it or not, and is short-lived… nothing to be concerned over. If you just stay calm, any hallucinations you have might be positive, or you might not have any at all.
On the subject of HI/HH, you probably aren’t going to see this unless you attempt WILD. I had HH twice wiithout attempting WILD, BUT I’m an insomniac and therefore more prone to remaining concious through the early stages of sleep. This probably would have happened to me even if I didn’t practice LD, anyway. Techniques like MILD, VILD, autosuggestion, etc. are NOT going to make you get HH.
SP happens every time you dream. If it didn’t you would move around as if you were doing everything you do in your dreams. Some people have a problem where they don’t get SP and do move around in their sleep. (This is not sleepwalking.) The main relationship between SP and LD is WILD. In WILD you try to keep your mind awake while your body goes to sleep. That means that you experance the “transition” between being awake and asleep. When doing this, you may experance SP during the transition when you are not asleep. You may be able to open your eyes and see that you are still in bed, but can’t move. You may see/hear/feel other things that are also part of this transition. While awake everything you see/hear/feel comes from your surroundings, while you are dreaming it all comes from your mind. Durring the transition it can be comming from both places at once.
If you are worried about this, then try any DILD tech. Then you just go to sleep as you normaly do, and try to become lucid in your dream. Then SP will not happen any more then if you don’t LD.