Hi all,
As you can see, i’m very new to this forum but i did introduce myself briefly yesterday in The Gathering section. As i mentioned, i’ve had 4 LDs so far and i thought i’d share them with you along with a few of my own thoughts.
My first LD happened totally by accident. It was during the spring/summer of 2001 … i was engaged and to be married in the September of that year. I was so excited about the whole occasion and, in particular the honeymoon, i kept having dreams about it. The funny thing was, my dreams always centred around the flight and although each dream was different it always involved checking in and going through customs etc. Anyway, i’d had quite a few of these until one time, in the dream i was stood in a queue with my fiance waiting to check in … then it dawned on me that we weren’t actually married yet and here we were again … it’s a dream. Bang! Lucidity! I grabbed my fiance by the shoulders and told her this was all a dream (she didn’t seem to comprehend what i was saying, interestingly). I can remember looking around the dream airport marvelling at the instant clarity of everything. I was very excited about the whole thing but because of this i could feel myself waking. At this point in time i knew nothing of the techniques that could be employed to maintain the lucid state so i relaxed myself and very quickly lost the lucidity … back to sleep and ND. The obvious observation from this experience is that it was the dream sign of being in that airport that triggered the LD.
It’s only been in the last 12 months that i’ve looked further into LDs and have learnt more about them and have actively been trying to induce LDs. It’s been during this time that i’ve had a further three. The first of these is by far the best i’ve had so far. During the ND i was stood in what i can only describe as a enclosed commentary box overlooking a large stadium and there were a couple of female DCs in there too. For some reason that i’m still not sure of, i became lucid … i hadn’t performed any RCs or anything like that and there were no dream signs that i recognised. Anyway, the first thing i tried to do was to molest one of the girls but she was being very unresponsive so i left her alone. I can remember beginning to lose clarity so i span on the spot and the picture sharpened again … the spinning technique definitely works. There was a door which i opened and walked through and found myself in a house i didn’t recognise. There was nobody in the house except for a couple of medium sized dogs that kept following me around. I would have said that the house was owned by elderly people based upon the decor and style of furniture. I walked through a few of the rooms just looking around but there wasn’t a great deal to see. Then i came to a longish hallway which had some glass french doors at the far end. It was here that i decided to see whether i could fly … so i jumped forward in a superman kind of way and at first i thought i was going to fall but i managed to hold myself in mid-air and was moving forward quite fast, as it happened. Then i realised that i was heading towards the french doors which were shut. I can remember thinking, ‘well this is a dream, i should be able to do anything i like.’ Indeed, i flew straight through the glass unharmed, it was a very strange sensation. Now i was flying outside in the back garden. I tried to gain altitude but seemed to snag myself on a washing line (having just flown through a glass door!!!). It spun me head over heels at which point i lost lucidity.
Finally, the last two dreams i’ve had recently in the space of a week but they were very short lived. The first i was with a mate helping him to choose a new car. We were at a garage forecourt. Again, i’m not sure why i became lucid, i just did and i can remember smiling to myself when i realised i was dreaming. Excellent, i thought, i can go and do some ‘stuff’ now … but i’ll just finish helping my mate look around this car first. Bad mistake … lost lucidity.
Finally, the last LD happened when i was dreaming that i was performing cunnilingus on an attractive negro lady. I became lucid right in the middle of that! Amazing! I decided to carry on but again lost lucidity very quickly as i got too engrossed in what was going on rather than concentrating on remaining lucid.
Essentially, i’ve never kept a dream diary although i do make a point of trying to recall my dreams every day from the night before. I tend to go through phases of either remembering a lot of dreams over a period of time or not remembering any. I guess it may depend upon what’s going on in my life and how that may affect my sleep patterns. If i’m tired it seems to be harder to LD … i think LDs occur more readily when i’ve had some early nights and i’m not so exhausted.
I’ll leave it there for now. There’s a lot more i could talk about but this is long enough for now. Nevertheless, i’d be interested to hear your thoughts on the above.