My MILD Method

I’ve taken an interest in the MILD method to try and kick in a lucid dream. I tried using the Lucid Dream Induction MP3, but it hasn’t been working very well, and my CD player is chewing through way too many batteries (plugging it in is no good, because I don’t have a plug and the nearest outlet is eight feet away). I’ve put in a 50-minute delay before the MP3 actually starts, so that I can get to sleep and be in my subconscious when it gets started. Is that a good idea?

Anyways, for my method, I’ve tried chanting a phrase over and over in my head until I go to bed. It goes like this:

“I am going to dream now. I am aware that I am dreaming. I recognize it as a dream.”

Sometimes I add a visualization to it:

“I am going to dream now. I am aware that I am dreaming. I recognize it as a dream. I am going to fly through the air.”

Though I suppose actually visualizing your dream while chanting instead of just chanting what you’ll see would work better. With that dreamquest that’s been announced, I might change that last bit to “I am going to open a door and find my dream pet, whatever it may be.”

Sometimes my mind starts to wander into other things, distracting from my chant, since really strange thoughts pop into my head when I’m about to sleep. When that happens, I just stop, breathe calmly, and wait for the thought to go away. Then I keep going. Sometimes, though, the chant distracts me from sleep in general, so if I need the sleep, I’ll just stop chanting.

Any tips for me or my method? Anything that I’m not doing right? I dream of achieving lucidity (pun intended), and help from the more enlightened would be wonderful. :happy:

Chanting may be a good idea. Now you don’t need to repeat your sentence over and over. Repeating something 20 times is said to be a good number for autosuggestion.

Not sure what rhythm I should chant to. I could either say the chant 20 times in a row, but then I’d probably forget that I was chanting by the time I go to sleep and the autosuggestion wouldn’t kick in. I could also space out the chanting throughout the night and say it every 10 minutes or so, but I’m not sure how effective that would be either.

As far as I can tell, the object of autosuggestion is to brainwash myself into questioning my dream. Wikipedia claims that “repetitive, constant self-affirmations” is one way that it’s done, and that seems to be what I’m doing. I must be on the right track.