My mind refuses to recall dreams

Ok so…
I’ve been on the site for about a week now, I’ve been using self suggestions, RCs, MILD, WBTB, the whole shebang. And rather than LDing like I’m supposed to…I have no more dream recall.
Before I was active on the site I have good recall and I wrote down my dreams in a journal. Now even though I stay still and do everything I can, I cant remember my dreams. Its like I wake up from some sort of drugged stupor.

I know that if I take a break from LD for a while one will most likely come to me. But in all honest I dont want to have to keep coming and going from LD, because that’s not a way to teach myself to be successful at this. Plus then I might never make it to the SD party BenDrummin’s throwing.

It seems to me the more I think about LD, the more my stubborn mind wants to refuse me anything about dreaming at all. Its really quite rude of my subconcious to do that to me…any suggestions?

It could also be that you’re trying too hard. If you try too hard, it usually has the opposite effect intended. It’s like walking up to a girl when you’re trying too hard. What usually happens? They walk away (unless they’re desperate too :razz:). Relax, be cool. Do MILD, WBTB, and definately put some effort into it, but don’t make the outcome of that nights rest too important to you.

Out of topic comment about drugs removed and next post, which was only related to this comment, was deleted.

I find it helps if I don’t think about LD’s etc. at all when I’m going to sleep. Just set your intention to remember your dreams or whatever and then forget completely about it, let go.

To me, DR is fascinating. I’ve had weeks where I remember 3+ dreams a night and weeks where I couldn’t remember anything. The way I’ve found success with DR is to not only keep a DJ, but to do a Dream Journal Analysis once a day (preferably after I write dreams in my DJ).

A Dream Journal Analysis (DJA, as I refer to it) is where I take a look at previous dreams. I look for a common DS, ask myself what I would do if I were lucid in a specific dream, imagine what the setting of the dream was like, and wonder what RL morals/symbolism I can find.

I’ve been doing that for about 2-3 weeks now, and I’ve noticed significant improvement on my DR. I think it’s because I’m sending a memo to my subconscience without overworking it.

thanks for the feed back to everyone. I tried to relax, and its been working better, I can remember things a bit better.

As soon as I can remember my dreams more I will definately do some dream analysis, thats a really good idea.