My mom thinks lucid dreaming is evil

Well my mom was reading about lucid dreaming on the net this morning then she comes up to me and says “I dont know If I want you lucid dreaming any more it could be evil” :confused: why would anyone think lucid dreaming is evil!! so I gave her a few books and told her before she thinks its evil to at least try it. hopefully she will come to her senses. :neutral:

I hope you got her the book EWLD
Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming by: Stephen LaBerge

He explains how lucid dreaming is as normal and safe as dreaming. … maybe even safer since you are aware of what is actually going on. :content: Good luck!

Some people think doing things in LDs, sex, murder, etc. are just as bad as real life, because you choose to do them. So that might be what your mom is talking about. But the good thing is, she can’t stop you from having lucid dreams.

(there was a thread a while back, when I first joined, with the subject of “Is lucid dreaming a sin.” It got pretty long with people discussing the actions of what you do in LD’s is as bad as rl or not…if I remember correctly)

I’m no longer allowed to come to this site or LD (though she can have fun trying to stop me :wink:) because my mum seems to think that LD’ing will make me think I can fly in real life… and so then jumped off a big building… :tongue:

Actually, could someone post here that that can’t happen?

If i was mom of someone with your avatar id be worried too:)
ps.To Surreal`s mom- he will not jump off any building.More propably he will just go on some bloody rampage screaming “you are dream characters,you are in my mind!”:)Or have quick sex with a girl he likes:)

That’s it. I’m not showing her this thread :tongue:.

Um… the entire concept of lucid dreaming is being able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. I see no reason why any actual lucid dreamer would ever think he was dreaming when in fact, he wasn’t.

And let’s face it, if someone wants to do something bad in their dreams they’re going to do it whether they’re lucid or not. Just be thankful that it’s all in his head, and now he won’t have to do it in real life.

be a rebel, tell her to shuv it. Or just say ok I won’t anymore…and just keep doing it anyway. She sounds like the mom in the waterboy though, no offense.

Maybe your mom thinks its evil because IT IS! :devil:

I never mistake real life for a lucid dream. But dreams I can mistake for real life, or dream if im lucky.

I do the nose blowing technique whenever im not sure if its a dream or not. It seems to pretty much always work. Wonderful technique, easy too.

my dad thinks that lucid dreaming opens your mind to the enemy(Satan), and he actually has a bad experience from some lucid dreams he has dreamt, but he knows he can’t stop me!

But why does your mother think it’s evil?

Some people think “new/different” things are dangerous or evil it is something that is bred into people. Some people are just over cautious about things they don’t understand but at least your mother sounds like she is willing to read further into it so not all is lost.

That said she can’t really stop you LDing, they can happen by accident she has probably hada few herself and just not known it. They only way she can stop you is to stop you sleeping, but I would suggest working with her on this find good info that she can read and put her mind at ease about the truths of LDing.

You could always lie and say you stopped, but what would that really achieve? Your mother is worried about something she doesn’t fully understand, help her understand and bring more to the fold :smile:

As for Surreal’s mum, I found Surreal running around the streets shouting “I’m going to kill everyone of you dream character’s”, while brandishing a knife. He was also naked which became more apparent when he saw a girl he liked at which point he said “Right after I cough -fake edit- splutter her!!”

And as you can see by his “location” he believes he’s been to the moon. Hope that helps surreal :wink:

Wasn’t there a guy here who posted that he had jumped of a balcony?

Um… there was somebody who almost jumped off the 22nd floor of his apartment building. But that guy had a serious sleeping disorder anyway.

I don’t remember reading anywhere of someone who actually jumped off of a balcony before.

I remember reading an article in the paper one time about a guy who falsley concluded he was dreaming (he did the hold you’re nose and breath RC) and he told his friends, hey you’re my DC’s now watch me fly and he jumped out of his 8th floor apartment window and had a nasty little splat at the end.

That’s why I always, try to hover first, just to be sure.

why LM? if you jump and go splatt you will be in the eternal lucid dream :wink:

My parents were skeptic and annoying first. My father said a lot of times:“live in reality!” He thinks that LD affects me and I live in an ongoing daydream state.
Then I made an “attack” and started to convince them that LD is can be very good. I brought up every type of argument:
-using our mind
-learning to control our mind
-religious arguments
-I come from a religious family, evangelical but not so rigid.
so I started to show them that it is natural in the Bible to have dreams and God uses them to communicate with us.
then I suggested him to imagine being able to meet God and Jesus and ask all of his questions and troubles…
-other type of arguments to show that it is totally natural to try to explore our personality and I think that God wants us to do so.
I became more and more phatetic and explained him with strong assurance theese things.
When I reached the point where I suggested him to try to meet God and that emotions are energies, mind is energy …, he just watched me with wide open eyes probably thinking:my God!, what went wrong! and other things.
He didn’t like it.
Then I suggested him some techniques because he wokes up in the morning occasionally.
I brought up the topic more times and now I am not afraid of their opinion.
Both of my parents became more open to the topic however I think that they think that this thing makes me “walk in the sky”.
My mom has fear about LD because she thinks that she won’t have enough regeneration.
I suggest you to try to convince annoying parents to learn ld with really intention. If they get suggestions and techniques to try they will think it over.
And it is very important to try to dispel their fears.
Fear is why they try to make us not to LD.
One of them is religious fears but I think that they are not dangerous because LD-s and OBEs can be very easily confirmed from the Biblical worldview(I think) to a point that I can say that it would be natural.

I’m not really sure about what your asking me Dark Matter.

I can easily understand a parents fears for their children when it comes to lucid dreaming. For one thing it creates the impression that the child is living in a fantasy dream world and may lose grips with reality.
For another,the dream world contains spirits, and kooky characters that are not part of the normal reality, and many of them appear evil and frightening. This could lead their child to a psychiatrists couch or even a lock up in a mental institution for a couple of weeks.
Also, the dream world is not condoned by the Christian church because it is relatively unknown territory to priests and ministers. Keep in mind that although the Bible speaks of dreams, there is a big difference between ordinary dreams and divine dreams.