My new technique - will it mess me up?

Hi there LD4all,

So I had my first LD a couple of weeks ago - absolutely amazing. Now, I’m having trouble inducing another one and got the idea of a new technique - probably a slight alteration of an already existing method, but still.

So I am trying to do something like this; I wake up after about 5-6 hours. Depending on mood and “sleepiness” I will either a) read a bunch of threads here at ld4all, or b) getting back to sleep immediatly.

Before doing so, I will put my headphones on, listening to “je non regrette rien” while repeating the sentence “If I hear this song, Im dreaming”. Since this song is strongly related to Lucid dreaming for me (cough, inception, cough) and since I’m never listening to it this seems like a perfect choice. Then, after listening to it, the volume will drastically decrease, hopefully letting me listen to this song every 15 minutes (as I’ve programmed now) without waking up. The goal is to recognize the song in the dream and realise Im dreaming.

Now, two questions.

A) Do you think this is a method worth trying? Why/ why not?
B) As the title says, listening to a track every 15 minutes during the last 2-3 hours of my sleep - will it mess me up? Remember that I can barely hear the song due to the very low volume.

Thank you, and keep working guys!


Yes this method can be worth trying, and you’re on the right track with using the mantra you mentioned. There’s no reason to think it might mess you up, as long as it doesn’t wake you up or keep you from falling asleep you should be fine. The only real issue you might have to deal with is having to listen to that song over and over while you dream, but that’s about it. Remember the mind can process incoming signals in different ways during a dream, so don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t work all the time.

Why thank you sir for the fast reply!

The song plays for about two minutes, then there is about 14 minutes of silence - shouldnt be that big of a deal. I am eager to try doing the same thing with my voice or beeps too though using a song every 16 minutes could be interesting as a comparison between time in a dream and “real” time. How long it feels between getting lucid and hearing the song again, which i know is around 14 minutes in “real” time(Maybe kind of naive, but still).