Hi everybody.
I am really bored right now, so I thought that I would post up my personal technique that gets me results most of the time. I thought maybe this might help some people who are struggling with achieving lucid dreaming, so here it is.
First off, the only thing I don’t think you know is the Wake Me Up method, It is my own personal method which involves doing anything that wakes you up. It could be jumping jacks, meditating, dipping your face in a bucket of cold water, etc. Sure it sounds stupid but it really helps. I recommend doing something that doesn’t wake your physical body up too much, but wakes your mind up ALOT. Caffiene? Hell no. Sugar? Same thing. NO FOOD!!! The last thing you want to do is train yourself to need food in order to lucid dream! I recommend getting your face wet with cold water, but don’t drink any of it, because my technique incorporates the thirst method as well.
So without further adue here it is…
The All In One Technique
by Darxide
The following technique incorporates all of the following methods: MILD, WBTB, listening to subliminal, thirst method, listening to brainwave, 10 minute full body relaxation excercise and the WMU method.
Here is a time layout for the All In One Technique:
8:00 P.M.
- Go to bed
-Do NOT eat or drink anything after 4:00 P.M.
-Set your alarm clock to go off at 2:00 A.M.
-Tell yourself to wake up at 1:55 A.M. and
to remember all of your dreams.
2:00 A.M
- Get up and go to your computer with your pen
and dream journal.
- Record EVERY dream you remember, in complete
detail, 1st person and title all of them.
- After you have recorded your dreams, do the WMU method.
- Begin reading
about lucid dreaming and OBEs.
- Listen to the Lucid Dreaming subliminal MP3 on repeat (1)
till 3:00.
- Be sure to be using Subliminal Master with your own
custom messages till 3:00.
- Before 3:00, do the WMU method.
3:00 A.M.
- Return to bed.
- Do a 10 minute full body relaxation excercise.
- Listen to the World of Alternative’s brainwave CD
once and once only.
- Starting when the CD starts, affirm to yourself that
the next time your dreaming, when you see something
unusual going on that you will do a reality check and
become aware that you are dreaming. As you say it,
visualize yourself back in the last dream you had that
you can remember except you see something that can
only happen in the dreamworld and then realizing you
If you catch your mind trailing off, simply clear your
mind and start over. You need to have your affirmation
be the last thing on your mind when you drift over
the final line to unconciousness.