About a week ago was the last time i had a lucid dream, it was my third and i dont even know if it counts. My first two were really good, i conjured something in the first one, and in the seccond i walked through crazy rooms and stuff, that one was the best i was lucid for a long time. But in this last dream I had I spent the entire dream trying to prove to myself that I was dreaming. I dont usually use reality checks it usually just occurs to me that i could be dreaming and, of course, i always am. But this time I decided to do a check anyway. I looked at my cell phone and everything was clear (or pretty clear my vision has been getting crappy latly so i cant focus perfectly) but nothing moved around. I tried playing with a mirror, that didn’t work. At one point i jumped off a hill and just landed farther down the hill. I tried looking at an analog clock and then my phone and they were a minute or two off which is about normal, and i waited a bit and checked again and a minute or two had elapsed which was right. I knew I was dreaming but I wasn’t sure because well, it was just too correct. At one point i called someone on my phone and before i had finished dialing it was ringing and 3 different people answered. That made me mor econfident so i tried to jump on a roof. I got really frustrated so i just kept trying i think i started getting a little higher after about 20 minutes (i know time doesn’t apply but…) and then i think i woke up. I was kinda upset. My purpose for lucid dreaming is my dreams usually suck, i’m constantly fighting/killing people, running from things (i always know what they are) and bad things are always happening. By the end of most of my dreams i feel like crap and thats no way to start my day. I’m sure its some subconcious fuckup that i can fix if i understood it but my lucidity is progressing okay so i think i’ll be able to eventually. Anyway i thought this was weird, what do you guys think. ever had a dream that was so real? I changed the text on my cell phone to read “R U Dreaming?” We’ll see how tonight goes
Since it’s your first post, WELCOME TO THE FORUM. and I wish you luck for tonight.
Use better RCs .
Pinch your nose shut. If you can breath, you are sleeping (this almost always works)
Close one eye. Can you see your nose? No? You’re sleeping .
Try putting your hand through something
There lots of others as well.
But there’s one thing you have to keep in mind… you have to EXPECT them to work. Cos they might not otherwise.
Quick clarification - it helps if you expect them to work. If you have trouble believeing you might be in a dream (before your RC) imagine waking uo, writing in your dream diary etc. Works for me, anyway.
And if you find yourself really waking up and writing in your diary - you’re dreaming!
That hold your nose RC is almost guaranteed to work, I’d say. It’s never failed me once while all others have, but your experience may be different.