My two week challenge

Heres the situation, ive been reading about lucid dreaming for a really long time. Ive recently discovered the stephen laberge interview and now i am hooked again. I finish school tommorow for the christmas break. So i will be able to concentrate a little more on trying to have an LD. IN the next 2 weeks i will try every day till i have one, in the last couple of weeks ive improved my dream recall so i am good to go. I will be trying the method that you set your alarm for 4:30 6 7:30 hours after you go to bed and it is suppose to catch you during REM sleep. Thaan you go to bed thinking of the dream you just had. I will update this when i have success. If i have success.

You sound determined! :smile: You will almost definitely get a LD. Do lots of RC s. They work well, indeed. Good luck.

No LD’s yet, but i remembered a freakishly large amount of dreaams. I believe there were 6. Maybe some of them were in the same sequence of dreams, but its the most i have ever remembered. I wrote : Tonight i will have a lucid dream, and put it under my pillow. I Read that somewhere

I am also going to try really hard during the xmas period to have an LD im gonna try tonight got tomorrow off ive got no exams so i can sleep!!!

wow yeah i was gunna start trying during the christmas break too, which starts saturday for me, but i had one last night, so im happy.

I wish you all luck on the xmas break, as for me i am getting closer. I had a false awakening last night, than i did a reality check. I tried to float, and it worked. So i knew i was dreaming, i woke up shortly after. Within seconds.

not bad getting closer…

Nothing yet but i wished that my grandmother beat me at poker with a full house over my flush. THat cant be good right?

… i’m begginer too,so I’d like to share my first effects with You
(btw. hello all :smile: )
oh…and excuse my english

my first dream in the DJ appeard 10.12.2004.
2 days later (nights :razz: ) i had a dream within i did the RC … i looked on my hands and they looked so shiny … some kind of gold-blue light was around them… so I smiled to myself and said “It’s a dream!” … then I woke up
Although IRL i use the watch RC mainly and since then never looked on my hands

3 days later I was trying to use WILD … I remmeber that I really found myself in a dream looking on the rock I was holding with a sign “It’s a dream” … then I felt I’m loosing the dream and my heart started to beat really fast.I felt mybody paralized - you know : shakes (should I say chilles?)

I’ve tries to stimulate my subconscious to dream about something,byt not used any induction method (just RC and DJ).
I read the whole VILD methode topic and start practicing it tonight

good luck to you all

Hey lookaz welocme to the forum, and good luck with your (lucid)dreams :happy:

hi :smile: it’s really nice,when someone respondes to your posts :razz:
Usually I remember about 3-4 dreams per night.
it’s strange, but I can’t recall any of my today’s dreams.Maybe because of 6 hours sleep (instead 10 :razz: ),but !
yesterday i woke up obout 9 am ad tried WILD and VILD :smile: I visualised the orange room (I dream pretty often about this color, something like sunset - nice,warm feeling :smile: ) and my 2 friends forcing me to do a RC … so I’m looking at my watch - 7:16 then turning the head around (while starring at my hands),then I’m checking the time again - it’s 12:00 … ok.That’s what I was trying to visual.Suddenly after another drifting away (me,pizza and a knife in the elevator, lol ) I’m doing the visualisation again.I’m amazed when I’m checking the time - it’s 2:14 … (I’m saing “what ?”) I’m looking again - 3:16 (wow) … As before I was too excited and woke up.But the feeling was great.I’ve been thinking that the time’s going to change like I want, but it was so … random :smile:

thanks for reading this, I wait for my real_at_leat_3_mins_long LD :smile:
posting this really helps, also…I’d like to thank pasQuale (I hope that’s well written)for creating this site and all you guys,who give the begginers (like me) so many advices.
My girlfriend can’t stand me talking about LD anymore,so it’s time to share with You :wink:

I know what you mean about you girlfriend not being able to stand you talking about ld’s anymore, ive annoyed so many people trying to get them interested. They just dont understand the feeling once you have one. The last nice long LD that ive had was a couple years ago, and i am still hooked. Maybe one night she will discover the joy of it all. If not you still have the forum. Everybody has the same goal!!!

I also just started LD and been having LD on and off for 2 weeks. When I first started every time I did a RC I would suddenly get really dizzy so I had to rub my hands together to keep myself in the dream, now when I do a RC I don’t get dizzy. just the other night I tried flying. I jumped up and then fell flat on the ground, so I got up again and calmed myself down and then just slowly lifted myself off the ground and then I flew a bit and then woke up. last night I didn’t LD but you just got to keep knowing you will. :wink: [/list]

In one week I’ve gotten about 40 LDs. :smile:

Freecube: Incredible… that’s just awsome, congratulations… I wish I could have at least one LD per week
What’s your MILD technique? Is it the same as you can find at in the HOW part? or… have you changed it a bit and added your own tricks ?

eliate1: good for you,keep practicing :smile: … I didn’t get it… did you start the trainings 2 weeks ago and got LD ? or maybe you’ve started practicing earlier and got LD’s for the last 2 weeks

I hope you can understand me :razz:

I started reading a whole lot of stuff about LDing and started a DJ, I also did RC on and off (mostly because I couldn’t remember). Slowly after a few days I got LDs, but after realizing I was LDing The dream would act as if I wasn’t LDing, so when I woke up I wondered did I do what I wanted to or was it like a ND and I was just following the dream, that happened quite a few times. But now when I do have a LD I do what I want and when I do a RC I don’t lose the dream. Things like that happen less and less each time you do it.
I started trying about 2 weeks ago. I have had about six lucid dreams, well actually three. Three I became lucid and then it turned into (or seemed like it did) a ND, and three I could control. A few nights I didn’t remember my dreams because I wasn’t very diligent with my DJ, but I am back to writing all my dreams down, and I am still waiting for another one.

I have had LDs before I started trying to and that is what sort of got me started. Sometimes my body naturally went into WILD but it was bloody scary not being able to move I had no Idea what it was, so I would fight it till I fully woke up. After, I read about what WILD is, then the next time it happened I just let myself go and I went straight into a LD with full control.

Yeah me too i reached 40 in like 5 days

my previous record for one month was 9 lol