My way to LD (i think)

First off, a huge apology to everyone here in LD4all, as i havent posted for AGES!!!

Anywayz, on to the main point!
I did this this morning, and i was able to have about 4 LDs. What you do, is do any LD inducing technique you want when you go to bed. (or, like me, don’t do any at all!) Then, not too early, but not too late in the morning, (i did at around 7:30) get something to wake you up lightly, i mean VERY lightly. With me, i just happened to wake up when my mum called the time to my sister. I didn’t move, but i kept the memories of the dream i was having in my head. My eyes where closed, and i kept the thoughts in my head. Suddenly, i found that i could feel the desk that i was holding (in my mind, since i was dreaming of a school lesson :sad: ) from there, i did whatever i wanted.

So that’s my way. I don’t know if someone or other already mentioned it before, but enjoy anyways!

Oh! almost forgot. I had my friends round at the time, and when they started to talk to eachother, it woke me up :content:

It sounds like the “dream re-entry” technique or “chaining”, indeed, very good way to have several LDs in a row. :smile:

I do that a lot, but like you, it is always unpurpose that I wake up slightly enough to re-enter the dream…

i might try this, most of my ld’s have been from something waking my up lightly from my normals dreams

A week ago I got about 3 in a row from this, and when I woke up a third time, I entered sleep paralysis, lol. It was a surprise, still enjoyable though :content:.


Come to think of it, I always remember dreams that occur after I slightly wake up then fall back to sleep immediately.

The keyword is “lightly wake up”. I would add “during REM period, if possible”.

Hmm, but, how can you ensure that you will only wake up lightly?
I just thought about using a cell phone or a wrist watch alarm, but I’m a too heavy sleeper, so that won’t work.
Heheh, then I thought, that’s right: I’m too heavy a sleeper, anything that would wake me before I’ve had a full night sleep, will only wake me up lightly.

I think, for heavy sleepers like me, setting a typical alarm clock would do the job. Just make sure you actually turn the alarm off when you start to wake up, and not just snooze it.

Hmmm, what should we call this?

Lucid Dream Induced by Half Awakening.

Light Wake-up Lucid Dream

whatever :razz:
We need to give it a name and start a big thread for it :happy:


There must be a thread about it somewhere already…

I thought of another today!

What you do is that you get a calm, slow song that you can put something to. For example, i think of the Metroid level on the game Super Smash Bros melee. It has a slow song, and i can picture a battle going on in the game.

you do this when you’re really tired, and you keep thinking of the movie, (and the thing you associate it with) untill you find yourself there! That’s when you’ll know that you’ll be there!

keep it cool!