My Website

This is not about lucid dreaming at all, so I’ve posted it here in the lucid lounge. This is my website, if anybody is interested in visiting:

It’s nothing flashy. All it is really, is a link to my online groups. Just in case anybody here might be interested really.




That’s a cool website. :smile: I’d like to see some more though. :grin: Keep up your great work.

Never give up my friend. :grin:

Lieve dromen (sweet dreams)! :wiske:

Thanks for the compliment.

However, I don’t actually intend there to be anything more to it. The real action happens beyond it, in the groups that it links to. It’s the Silliness & Nonsense group that has become the biggest so far though. The others have been slow so far.

All in good time though.

