I’ve been practicing WILD, and I tell myself that “I will wake up at 5AM, and go straight into a WILD.” So…
Would I confuse myself if along with the above, I told myself to a) Remember my dreams and b) Realise I’m dreaming/do a reality check?
At night, I feel like I don’t know how to fall asleep normally anymore, and I always end up trying WILD. I eventually fall asleep, but after trying to WILD sort of against my will. So, strange question: how do I fall asleep normally again? I feel like I forget what to do…
I’m not quite sure what you can do about the first one. You may just find it becomes easier over time and not confusing. Some one else may have a better idea though.
As far as falling asleep normally, I found myself asking the same question a few nights ago while trying to fall asleep. I realized if I do a WILD-like technique I’ll eventualy get distracted and my mind starts to wander. Half the time a realize it and wake up, and thus start over, half the time I don’t and fall asleep “normally”. When I really began thinking about it, I realised all those little tricks for when I couldn’t sleep that I’d learned where no more then modified WILD techniques. Eventualy I got so deep in thought, I completely confused myself only to find I had been lying there for almost an hour.
So my advice, DON’T THINK ABOUT IT!! I think the best way to fall asleep “normally” is to completely clear your mind first. Also, don’t try to sleep, just do. Then agian, I could be completely wrong and probably sound like a fool.
If you said all that before you even went to bed, then yes…you will more than likely confuse yourself. That’s way too much to handle and can stress you out if even only one of those don’t work. Instead, take it in steps. Before you go to bed, say you will wake up at 5 am, and that’s all. More than likely when you wake up, you will remember that you woke up to do a WILD. Now, it’s 5 am, and before you WILD, use some Autosuggestion for the dream recall situation, then use a bit of MILD for the realize you are dreaming situation, THEN concentrate on WILD. This way quadruples your chances of having a LD, because you are using 4 techniques at once!
That’s a tough one…lol. Looks like you’ve built yourself a mind block that makes you believe you wont be able to go to sleep normally. My best advice other than ‘don’t think about it’ would be to do the following:
a) don’t drink or eat any caffeinated items before going to sleep.
b) make sure you are tired before going to sleep. If you have nothing planned for the next day, and you aren’t tired, then stay up till you are! The more tired you get, the easier you can fall asleep.
c) sounds gross, but try drinking warm milk. Just put a glass of milk in the microwave and drink it right before going to sleep. It’s nature’s way of putting you to sleep
d) while falling asleep, focus on your eyelids and try to make out shapes that you can see.
e) if all fails, try watching a really really boring channel on TV while you are trying to go to sleep. This also helps make you go from wide awake to very tired. Before you know it, you’ll be out of it.
That’s all I got for ya. Hopefully at least some of it helps
What’s autosuggestion? And when I wake up at 5AM, I usually sit up, and then go “D’oh!” because I remember that I wanted to WILD. How can I stop from sitting up?
Autosuggestion is when you tell yourself something over and over untill you do it, like telling yourself to wake up at 5 many times before you fall asleep. It’s very useful. If Autosuggestion doesn’t keep you from sitting up, I’d hang a sign up that said, “GO WILD!” a few inches from my eyes so I’d see it before sitting up. I actually have a sign that says “ARE YOU DREAMING?” its the first thing I see most mornings and I always remember to do a RC when I wake up.
“Many things–such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly–are done worst when we try hardest to do them.”
You don’t really have to tell yourself over and over until exhaustion. 20 times is said to be the best. And it works better if you’re really close to falling asleep.