Hi, I thought I might post about my weird problem here at this forum, since the people here are so nice…
Im 17 years old (will be 18 in a few months), and Im working at this museum of fine arts. The museum is quite poor, so they usually call the people they need to set up an exibition for when they need to. Well this week we have a new exibition wich needed a lot of work to set up. And my boss called this girl, and first time I saw her… she is just soo beautiful. On top of that, we both like art, and movies by David Lynch. We both get along very very good and we talked a lot when we worked together putting up the different objects of the exibition. I`ve fallen in love, no doubt, and it seems she has an interest for me to. But my problem is: she is 7 years older than me… meaning that she is 24 years old.
It`s a little scary to think of, that I stil live with my parents, and she lives alone.
Now, Ive never talked to a person like her, we get along SO good, and if we dont get together, well still be very good friends. Today was the last time at work, when she found out about that, she gave me her email-adress! And we havent even been knowing each other for a long time.
So Im confused, and Im afraid of how things will turn out. But if it wasn`t for that I noticed her interest for me then I would have forgotten it the next day…
ive never experienced this before. I usually never fall in love with girls older than me, but this is so strong. Its like, something inside me tells me to dont care about how old we are... Ill tell you, if she was 18-19 years old, I would have jumped at her right away.
Am I stupid or what? Is this a normal thing? should I try to be with her?
I can’t see a problem there…
she gave you her email address just keep in touch and see how your friendship/relationship develops over time. there’s no need to rush into anything.
well… seriously… i can feel your pain maaan…
You have yourself quite a problem there no seriously… i m 16 (turning 17 in a week)… but annyway iv like made out with a some of girls that are 24-25… allthough i was rather drunk… and so where they(allthough not once)… but that is a totaly diffrent thing…
Serioulsy… I think you shold keep on… always having all options open. since the canche of it actually working out are rather small… but since it will gett fucked anny way… it is best to just go on… you cant do more than fail raoyally… but if it agfainst all odds would work thats gr8… anb you might just stay friends… or who knows…
You’re not being stupid dude. It’s really uncomfortable to even think about going out with older people, especially while you’re still not considered an “adult.”
I’m your age, and I hear you, there are too many fears that come from something like that, and I can’t give you a really good answer. Maybe it would be good to stay away from her even though she’s perfection for you. Maybe it goes the other way round: maybe you should give yourself that chance.
What I can tell you is: listen to yourself, and trust yourself. Even if you’re scared, you can tell if it’s worth it or not, to try something with this girl, to even tell her about your feelings.
What I can suggest is that you ask yourself: would a relation with she bring to you, add to your life, or is it just a sort of a passion, a fascination, but no more?