After numerous failed attempts with WILD (Ack, I don’t think I can get through the HI), I decided to try out MILD. It was considered the easiest one so surely it’d be for me, right?
Wrong. It’s been a week or so and I’ve tried it numerous times. Every time I’m about to fall asleep, I’d continue to tell myself “I will have a lucid dream” until I’d fall asleep, although most of the time my mind wanders and I stop just before I do. I’ve also tried sprinkling out some RC’s, but they’ve yet to have an effect so maybe I should get it in gear.
The only LD I managed to have was about a year ago when I was doing RC’s. It was only triggered by a nightmare.
Looking for some suggestions or words of encouragement, please.
You guys are just beginning at this. Your SC is still being trained. Keep with it, write a DJ, do RC’s, and MILD/WILD. Or if you perfer VILD, or HILD. Just keep doing all those things, and expirement. Do combinations if WILD isn’t working for you. WBTB and WILD, or WBTB and MILD, or so on.
Try to stick with it, and if you are trying to hard, take a day off each week, and just SLEEP! I hope the best, and sweet dreams!
You need to work on getting your SC trained, or convinced that you realy wand an LD. You can do that by
useing a DJ, don’t just write down your dreams, look for things that keep turning up in the dreams. Do your dreams take place at home, at school, at work, in some game world, or in places you have never been? Do the same people always turn up in your dreams, or are your DC’s always from films, games or strangers? Write these things down. It could be a pet or animal that show up a lot in your dreams. When you have a few things, two or three are enough. If one thing/person/place shows up very offten, then that would be enough.
2)Then you need to start working on RC’s. If what shows up in your dreams is something that you see IRL, then every time you see it IRL, or a max of about five times a day, do an RC. Don’t just plug your nose, or look at your hands. Do your RC and then think, “If this were a dream I could breath even with my nose pluged” and then think about the dreams that you have had, and think about what was different from RL in the dreams. In dreams things are not always just like they are IRL. Think about that when you do the RC. Try to find as many things as you can that are different in dreams when compared to RL.
Then think about becoming lucid in your dreams. How would you feel, too excited, then you will probly wake up. Think “when I become lucid, I will remain calm. I have things to do in the dream world. I need to pay attention to what I want to do.” Then do that. Think about what you would do in your LD. Are you going to fly? Talk to your DG, or SG or even yourself?
This is why you should not try to do too many RC’s, because if you do them right, then it takes time.
When you go to bed, pick one of the times that you did an RC durring the day, or if you just did WBTB, then the last dream that you recall, and do 2 and 3 again just like you did durring the day, or for your dream. You can also just use the siduation that comes up the most in your DJ. Take your time and try to imagen the RC and what trigered it as well as you can. Then imagen being in a dream and doing the RC. Then do the part about saying “When I dream, I will become aware that I am dreaming. I will rember my dream” or what ever you say. Just rember to keep it simple and direct. Don’t say “I will have a lucid dream”. That can be too unclear for your SC.
If you go to sleep easaly, then you can do this until you fall asleep. If you can’t fall asleep while you are doing this, or it just takes a long time to fall asleep, then just do it for 5-10 min’s and then fall asleep as you normaly do. This all works better with WBTB but you can also do it without. For some people it works better if they say the sentences out loud, but it is also ok to just say them in your head. It is just important to belive them when you say them.
This has gotten a bit long.
I hope that it helps at least someone.
Don20 is absolutely right. When a dream sign shows up IRL, do two or three RCs, and ALWAYS do the same ones. That’s not absolutely necesary, as long as your SC realizes what you’re going for, it’s okay, but doing the same ones help it out, so when your dreaming and you think you should do a RC, you will automaticly draw from this pre programmed list of RCs. Also Lina, the way you described your MILD, it’s as if you’re still going for WILD. The trick isn’t to fall asleep while saying it, you’re not going to keep repeating it while you are sleep; it takes a little time before you get to your first REM period. The trick is to get the intention of what you’re saying firmly ingrained in your head
One more thing. Don’t rush it. LDing takes time, but it shouldn’t take too much time. When I first started a few years ago, it took me about a month and a half to have my first LD. The average is three weeks to three months for the first LD. After that, they become more and more frequent, until you eventualy get lucid multiple time per night
I hope this helps. Good luck!!!
One week is rather short. In average, it takes 3 weeks before you have your first LD’s. Then it’s easier. As Redifin says, your subconscious has to be trained.
Moreover, don’t say: “I will have a lucid dream” cause you don’t know yet what is a lucid dream. Say: “I’ll realize that I’m dreaming”. It’s far clearer. You don’t need to repeat it until you fall asleep, it’s better to repeat it a limited amount of times (for instance 20) but with the full realization of the meaning of your sentence. Good luck!