Need help with self hypnosis script.

I have used self hypnosis Cds in the past to help me quit smoking and overcome fears.And most of the time they have been very effective.I’m thinking of creating my own Cd/Mp3 for Lucid Dreaming.I need some input,ideas,criticism and such for the perfect script.

So far I was thinking along the lines of…

I have the power to lucid dream, instantly when ever I wish.At any time of the day or night I have the power to lucid dream when ever I wish.From now on all that is required for me to have a lucid dream is to say to myself repeatedly “I will enter a Lucid dream now” I will enter a lucid dream now because I choose to.When ever I repeat this saying 5 times before going to sleep I will become immediately relaxed,my whole body will go numb,my mind will go quite and i will feel extremely comfortable no matter what position i am lying in.I will begin to feel very tired and i will slowly drift to sleep and enter a dream fully aware of the fact that I’m am dreaming.I will be Lucid.In my lucid dreams I stay calm and I do not wake up until I choose to.My lucid dreams last as long as i want.I have the ability to completely control my lucid dreams.My lucid dreams are vivid,clear,and stable.False awakenings have no effect on me.Tricks the mind uses to stop me from lucid dreaming have no effect on me.I can will any thing to happen in my lucid dreams or just let them go their own course.I can make people,objects and scenery appear or change just by willing it or by saying "I want."I always feel happy in my lucid dreams.When I decide to wake up I have complete,clear ,detailed dream recall.I remember all of my dreams.My lucid dream powers and abilities are unlimited.I can do and be anything and go any ware.

What do you think? Unrealistic? Should it be in first person? Second,Third or Ninth?

:help: All Ideas and criticism are welcome.

One, two: Freddy`s coming for you.
three, four: Better lock your door.
Five, six: Grab your crusifix.
Seven, eight: Better stay up late.
Nine, ten: Never sleep again…

Could it be true?

The secret meaning of my name has been revealed!?

My plans are foiled!!!

I like it! :grin:

Be sure to send me a copy when you’re done! :cool:

i’d rephrase that - in selfhypnosis never use no or not, bc your brain will somehow do the opposite. Like: don’t think about a pink elephant! (yes, i’m sure you all thought about a pink elephant just now).

Q has a point!

(btw, I used to dream about pink elephants when I was little!)

This is the kind of advice I need.


Keep it coming.