I’m new around here. Really nice to see a forum dedicated to dreams.
To sum up, I have quite an important dream life that I can recall. I started recording my dreams a few years ago and now have a better of understanding of my symbols etc. I have had a few lucid dreams but very little control. Last night, I started influencing my dream but I didn’t manage to get what I wanted.
Here is my question.
So last night I had a quite important dream. I’ll make it short, but at some point I realize I’m dreaming (two reality checks, I saw a man who died years ago and a girl I used to know as kid and who is now well grown up but was a kid in my dream). Then I see a white board with information on it. It’s a list of reasons and I really need to remember what’s written on that board.
So during my dream, I try to memorize the reasons written on the white board. But it looks already all fuzzy and I can’t recall. So during the dream, I decide to replay the dream, so that I can see the white board again and remember.
The dream replays. I see the white board, and I try to remember by heart what’s written but again I can’t. So I decide to use my camera to take a picture of the white board, so that I will be able to see exactly what was written.
Well then I realize it was a dream camera. I tried to replay the dream again but it didn’t work. I woke up and and I can’t remember what was written on the white board…
So would you have any idea how I can recall this specifically? how can I influence the dream to help the recall of the message written on the white board?
I should say that I have, in real life, a bit of problem with emotional memory. I tend to dismiss emotions and I don’t always recall very well memories that are attached to strong emotions, I space them out. That’s why this dream is important to me. I need a trick to be able to overcome this emotional memory problem. It seems to me the dream is a metaphor of that problem.
I will try playing again the dream if I get a similar one. Obviously a digital copy doesn’t work in dreams
I know the message comes from the little girl. I tried to talk to her directly but she wouldn’t reply. At first I thought she was upset with me, but I know that it’s actually that she wasn’t allowed. That’s why she used the white board to pass information to me. Maybe instead of having to remember what’s written on the white board, I can find a way to get the little girl to talk freely. Maybe I will remember information if she speaks it out rather than writes it. But I’m not sure how to do this, I might endanger her.
From previous dreams, I know the little girl is a representation of a part of myself. She tends to be wiser than I am and it’s usually a protective figure. It’s the first dream where she is obviously coerced. Usually I’m the one in trouble and she helps.
If you had any idea, I’d very much appreciate!
I realize it’s probably very much tied to my own psychological issues, but if someone comes up with an idea, that could be very interesting!
(I could eventually detail the dream if it could help, it was a bit too long to write into details here)