Never tired...

I have been trying FILD (HILD) for some days now but the problem is that when i wake up in the middle of the night when i got vacation i never feel tired… Can anybody help me ? And i’ve been trying different times and so but nothing works ;(

Sorry if i posted in wrong forum or something… :wink:

have you ever Med? tried doing a lot of exercise a hour before bed? that should keep you tired through out the night.

Dont stress about not being tired, just close your eyes and rest, dont think about it, just think about resting, not about sleeping, and pretty soon i would bet that you will be asleep dreaming again.

Hops is a natural suplement that is good for quieting the mind and helping with sleep, you could always try that too, if you are interested i can give you the brand that i use, which is one of the only natural things that i have found that seems to work with my restless nights, or not being able to sleep due to being awake too much

Not interested in herbs etc… But thanks for your help :wink: Will try doing a lot of exercises before bed time.

…as i said in the chat

wouldnt know not in chat :smile:

ok no worries good luck try a few med ex, like focusing on a part of your body and letting it get heavy then moving on, counting your breaths helps too.

good luck

Often, you simply think you’re not tired. I can lie on my bed and think I’m not the least tired, simply because I got so much on my mind. I close my eyes, not feeling the least tired… Suddenly I twitch, so I looked at the clock and violá, it’s gone 42 minutes. Meditation is a great way to relax and to clear you mind, that way you can easily fall asleep.

i envy you

Thanks for the answers all :wink:

For one, if you’re able to view a clock when trying to go to bed, turn it around. Just make it where you can’t see any light or clocks. It is a major distraction!

Another thing, if you don’t have a fan, I recommend you get one. Fans are monotone and they drown out almost all noise. If you’re a light sleeper, this will indeed help.

Make sure you’re comfy also! Clear your mind from all things or hum in a long sustainable low tone. Sometimes if I can’t sleep I use the “om” sound.