new dreamer

dreams have always fascinated me and i got into LDing the very day my friend told me about it about a month ago.
i have been keeping a dream journal every day (except on most weekends when im in too much of a deep sleep to recall anything). i love reading my dreams, some are hilarious. sometimes i have had perfectly good dream recall up to 3 dreams a night, but usually i only have extremely hazy recalls with no detail, even when i wake up during the night. and i haven’t had anything close to an LD even though i’ve identified 3 of my dream signs. does it always take this much time and frustration?

Yes, it does take time, but it doesn’t have to be frustrating. Just take it slow and have faith that it will happen, because it will! Probably when you least expect it (you know how that works), also I can see that you’re enjoying your dream journal, which tells me that you are well on your way to having a LD! :tongue:

what do you know! haha

last night i awoke at 3, only remembered one section of a dream

then at 4 sometime i had a very long detailed dream with a FA where i recorded my dream, so when i woke up i knew the whole thing almost all detail cause i already wrote it all down in my dream heheh

i went back to sleep 30 minutes later with my mind set on having an LD and every time my mind would drift away i pictured an old lady to remind me of having an LD haha

the dream i had is kinda long and weird but there was a consol where i would flip a switch and restart my dream. therefore, i mustve known i was dreaming, right? i honestly dont know. and i think i had some control over what i was doing, but im not positive.

does this mean i was having low-level lucidity or is my brain still too dumb to realize i am dreaming? haha

anyways that was really exciting

If it wasn’t an LD, then you were really close. Either way, keep it up and the high-level LDs will start. Then the fun really begins! Good luck! :happy:

mrvanhalen wrote,

Actually since I am the best LDer in the whole galaxy, the answer would be, everything!
On the other hand, since I was a little drunk last night, I’m sorta happy I didn’t write anything too stupid, (but I haven’t looked around the forums yet either). :tongue:

Seriously, you are ultra-close!

you’re really really really close! How about from now on, everytime you hear anything about dreams you do a RC, so in a dream if you have this kind of dream you will do a RC, Sounds like you’re doing great! :partying_face:

thanks for the support everyone

something wild, when i almost became lucid in that dream i think it was thursday night… throughout the whole weekend sunday and monday i smoked a lot of weed (before the thursday i hadn’t smoked in a week)

well anyway thanks to the marijuana i didnt even recall a single dream since thursday…gonna have to give the ganja a break again

i was just having a normal dream and homer simpson lost a leg or something and i was waiting for him to say the words, and he did… ‘hey, i must be dreaming’. i literally felt my body tear into the dream world, it was amazing. i was on my bed fully lucid, and i was in paralysis. after i shook it off i looked at my clock and saw the hands spinning wildly. my vision started distorting and i spun around and yelled give me better vision and it worked. i looked out the window and made daytime turn to night (that was amazing). i was in the kitchen and my mom poured me a glass of beer. i wanted to go explore somewhere but either i woke up or i dont remember anymore of it.
well anyway, it was incredible!!!

dude that’s so awesome! lucky you…i can’t wait for my first LD.

so mr vanhalen do you attribute your success to “giving the ganja a break”?

Say nooo please!:slight_smile: :tongue:

Homer Simpson, so he’s smarter than I thought LOL! Hilarious, I would have signed for this as my first “high-level” LD :cool_laugh: .

i would have to unfortunately say yes, i didnt smoke for about a week…

but honestly my opinion on the marijuana thing is the lousy dream recall effect is more mental than physical, as in i think it is in our heads that if we toke before bed we will have lousy recall
i think if i were to convince myself that it would have no effect on recall, it wouldn’t. i am a strong believer in mind over matter! heheh

thats my belief too,(mind over matter) but fact is fact…its scary but i may have to hold off on the “medication” for awhile…