im new in LD ing i just made my first try yesterdays morning i tried the WILD method and after what seemed to be like 5 minutes my muscles started to twitch ocassionaly and after another 5 minutes i heard some weird chanting, it was repeating the same word i just cant remember what it was, i inmedeatly remembered that they werent evil and they were a product of my mind so i relaxed and enjoyed it and the all of a sudden i saw the phosphenes changing into a green face it was like the green goblin’s head with the eyes closed it was there and spinning very slowly i was aware i was still conscious that i was WILD ing and i heard the chanting suddenly stopped and a very soothing voice was telling me “dont worry ill introduce you to the dream world nothings gonna happen to you just relax” the face started fading and i saw a white flash and the next thing i saw was that i was in a black room with a crystal on the front and behind the crystal was a classroom with a lot of wooden chairs and tables, i was in the black room with a purple bird flying around in circles over a wooden table, i was in first person view, then i tried to move and i saw the dream fading and suddenly woke up.
id like to know if it was a lucid dream and i i was WILD ing…
P.D: im very excited about this and i would like to know if im doing it ok. sorry if my english is bad, but im from mexico
the chanting/voices etc… would be - in my unexpert view hypnagogic sounds - not to unlike HI - happens to me every time i WILD.
As for the guide - well it might have been your guide! look into spirit guides - never something i ever got into, but who knows - could be
but it does sound to me that you were lucid…
every now and then i will start to wild, and fall out halfway through and what not - but the dreams they go into are simply amazingly vivid and bizzarre - not quite lucid - but not quite a normal dream either, id almost say a trance… but nuff said bout my craziness!
congradulations on your WILD
sounds like you’ve gotten it to me.
good luck, keep up the good work!