Hi I jsut found this place, recently I have become really interested in my dreams. I have been a lucid dreamer since college started, and I have a LD (or 2, or 3, etc) about every night, and during the day if I take naps. I’m what you would call a natural at it. Recently I have been experimenting more in my dreams, “testing” myself, you know, light trick, looking at books, clocks, mirrors, etc, and it’s been going well, but I knew it would anyway since I know I am dreaming, and often think about how when I wake up I can’t wait to talk about it with someone. I always remember them too. Anyway, just wanted to say hi, and that I’m really interesting in exploring my ability further. I want to learn skills in dreams next and perform them in real life.
Heeey and welcome! I’m pretty new to this place myself. It’s pretty cool that you’re a natural at LDing. That’s not very easy to come by. Hope you have a good time here!
You should check out the labratory - lots of different things there for you try out .
I am a little jealous of your natural ability. I have been reading everything about about lucid dreaming but i still cant seem to realize i am dreaming. Good job keep it up
Welcome to the forum
I enjoy this forum a lot and I can definitely sympathize with your desire to talk to people about your LD ‘s who won’t think you are nut’s.
In fact there is a topic for posting your LD ‘s.
Happy LD ing