New to Lucid Dream, have some questions. Thanks in advance.

The thought of Lucid dreaming appeals to me, and after reading up on it, it doesn’t seem near as hard as I once thought, but to make sure I start off on the right track, I have some questions. Thanks for answering in advance.

  1. How do you make yourself remember your dream? I never remember my dreams so is starting by saying “I will remember my dream” all day the best way to go about it?

  2. When I start keeping a dream journal, I read that you should lie perfectly still and try your best to remember your dream, then write it down. Won’t that scatter your mind and make you forget what you tried so hard to remember?

  3. My handwriting is terrible, would typing the dream journal suffice?

  4. Is it difficult adjusting your body to 2- 4 hour sleep intervals at the beginning? Is that the best way to go about remembering your dreams?

  5. Sleep journals are important, every site I’ve read say that, but should I keep a log of each scattered fraction on a blog so I can read them later and piece things together? That seems like the way to go about it?

  6. What is your routine for triggering a Lucid dream? Is there some trick to focusing on it in order to trigger them?

  7. When having a Lucid dream, are there any warnings, advice you can give to people experiencing them for the first time? [The only one I’ve found so far is don’t look into mirrors, you’ll see yourself very distorted and quickly descend into a nightmare.]

  8. Do the physics and laws during your dream stay constant, or can you change them on a whim to suit your amusement? That is to say, what if some terrible monster is chasing you, or whatever, and you just turn it into a fluffy bunny or something. Can you do things like that?

  9. Are you familiar with the Japanese PSX game LSD? That’s the main thing that got me so interested in them to begin with. It’s a sandbox Lucid dream emulator based on a 10 year dream journal.

  1. Is there a way to extend how long you stay in a Lucid dream? Shorten it?

  2. I read of “reality checks” so you could tell you’re in a dream in order to trigger Lucid dreams. Would walking into a wall work? What do you use to tell if you’re dreaming or not?

  3. If you simulate a Lucid dream with your imagination just before you go to sleep, does it improve the chances of you having one? Let’s say you just lie there and instead of thinking about whatever it is before you sleep, you just let your imagination run wild and have a “lucid imagination” [can I call it that?] before I sleep eventually leading to me going to sleep and having a Lucid dream.

  4. How often can you have Lucid dreams? Can you have them every night, for instance? Or just a few times a week?

  5. Does having a LD affect my sleep in any way? [That is to say, while being “conscious” during the dream could affect my brain or sleep pattern for the night, and in essence my mood. That’s one thing I’ve been worried about.

  6. Is it possible to “tap in” to other people’s dreams [say people I knew at one point I want to reacquaint myself with, but can’t due to losing contact with them in the physical realm"] and speak to them in their dream? Not to abuse it, of course, just to make up for lost time and hang out again

  7. I read that having a LD is a great way to learn how to study [by reading something then entering your SC via dreaming and focusing on learning about the subject there]. Is there a way to do this? Has this ever helped you before? The idea appeals to me.

Those are 2 of the most appealing reasons for me to have a LD, being able to get back in touch with old friends [even ones that live here in town, but never answer their phone, and work strange schedules weekly so it makes hanging out difficult] and studying. I’m terrible at learning via reading so being able to “file” all of the words in my mind to go over thoroughly while sleeping, so I’d be able to learn an incredible amount in the span of one night’s sleep is amazing. Is it really possible?

  1. When I went to sleep last night, I could literally feel my body start to fall asleep, but I got freaked out and fought against it keeping me awake. How do I calm myself so I go to sleep “softly”?

Sorry for all of the questions, this is something I’m very interested in.

  1. That is how i started to remember my dreams but keeping a DJ will help the most…my recall went from one dream a week to two a night withing a few weeks.

2.try remembering one part then go back and forth through the dream and write it like a story in present tence. But yes lie still and focus.

3.You can type it but as long as you can read your handwriting your fine.

  1. Tell yourself to wake up after your first dream… trust me it works :smile:

  2. if your talking about DJ then write anything you remember no matter how small.

  3. RC RC RC why don’t you do one now lol

7 Acually i had only a couple but try spinning or rubbing your hands to mantain a dream state

  1. You can do anything you want to it is YOUR dream.

9.never heard of it i’ll have to try it out

  1. see #7 but you can always wake up

  2. try pinching your nose to see if you can breath, try flying, walking into walls(i wouldnt do this in public) or try poking your finger through your hand.

12.mthat is kinda like a WILD but set your mind to what you want.

  1. its how hard you try, if your willing to devote a lot of time yes every night but that is if you try VERY hard.

  2. Do not worry, you dream every night this is the same except you know your doing it.

  3. this is called a shared dream…not sure if there real thought.

  4. yes there are accounts of this, for example practicing a instrument in a dream and the idea is brought into waking life.

  5. Just dont worry it comes with practice.

Wish you luck, look around the forum for more info…Especially the knowledge base
Hope i helped

1. That is how i started to remember my dreams but keeping a DJ will help the most…my recall went from one dream a week to two a night withing a few weeks.

I see. I managed to remember my dream from last night, so it’s a start, but I want to take it further. What kinds of things should I make routine in my life in order to achieve this goal?

2.try remembering one part then go back and forth through the dream and write it like a story in present tence. But yes lie still and focus.

Even if I don’t remember anything at all, just lie there and try? Fish for anything, be it emotions, songs, anything else?

3.You can type it but as long as you can read your handwriting your fine.

I guess I’ll do it old fashioned notebook style. It’d be a bad idea to leave a laptop on all night right by my bed so I could type it as soon as I wake up.

4. Tell yourself to wake up after your first dream… trust me it works smile

Thanks for the help! Is it really that simple?

5. if your talking about DJ then write anything you remember no matter how small.

Will do. It’s like working a muscle, isn’t it? The more you do it, the better you get.

6. RC RC RC why don’t you do one now lol

My hands looked normal. Lol!

7 Acually i had only a couple but try spinning or rubbing your hands to mantain a dream state

Spinning I understand by reading other topics on this board, but rubbing hands? Go on.

8. You can do anything you want to it is YOUR dream.

That’s another appeal to learning this. It’s a wonderful idea. Do whatever you’d like and let your imagination and creativity run wild!

9.never heard of it i’ll have to try it out

It’s a Japanese import title for the PSX, but you can find videos of LSD on Youtube [even a 20+ part walkthrough that I enjoyed watching] Her dream journal is even available on the Japanese E-Bay [but the LPer [Mike Nemonic] actually bought the book and scanned all of the pages on his page for you to download and read/look at if you wish. I really enjoyed reading it [but there is some crudely drawn nudity] and the game is based off of it [the journal, of course. Lol!]

10. see #7 but you can always wake up

Wake up on command? You can really do that? Wouldn’t that trigger a FA?

11. try pinching your nose to see if you can breath, try flying, walking into walls(i wouldnt do this in public) or try poking your finger through your hand.

Walking into walls seems the most obvious to me. Sure I wouldn’t do that in real life, but gaining control of my dream and walking into[through] a wall would be the easiest way to tell.

12.mthat is kinda like a WILD but set your mind to what you want.

So you actually can do this? Cool. It would seem easier to me considering you’re already doing the “exercise” [can I call it that?] until you eventually drift off and then have the same happen again.

13. its how hard you try, if your willing to devote a lot of time yes every night but that is if you try VERY hard.

That sounds like a worthwhile endeavor.

14. Do not worry, you dream every night this is the same except you know your doing it.

I see.

15. this is called a shared dream…not sure if there real thought.

I’d like them to be, but I know I have no control over it. I mean, say I’m dreaming and I imagine myself going to my friend’s house and we hang out, could it be possible for me to “enter” their dream and chat?

16. yes there are accounts of this, for example practicing a instrument in a dream and the idea is brought into waking life.

So you read something all day then what? How do you “register” it into your mind for later perusal?

17. Just dont worry it comes with practice.

I’m very patient and last night was my first attempt at this, so I’m not rushing anything. I just want to do this right. So you’re saying the more I experience this, the more I become prepared to deal with it? How did you first deal with the experience?

Wish you luck, look around the forum for more info…Especially the knowledge base Hope i helped

Thank you. You most certainly did.

  1. Just set the idea in your mind to remember all your dreams, read LD realated topics(books,websites, stuff like that)
    2.Anything emotions or just one word.
  2. you could call it a muscle, because it works exactly like one.
  3. Rubbing your hands makes you stay in your “dream body” you make you mind think that everything is as real as reality
  4. It could but you eventually wake up lol.
  5. well WILD is when you wake up and relax and eventually go into a dream, even though i can be scary i hear it is one of the best ways to LD,but look around for different “execercises”
  6. you could hang out with a friend but it might not really be them but a DC that your brain makes up. there is no real evidence that shows that you were really in their dream but there are topics of this.
  7. You choose what you want to do in dreams weather that be study or have fun.
  8. yes, the more it happens the eaiser it is to stay awake… my first time i woke up from excitement within oh about 4 seconds lol

I would recomend getting a book, Exploring the world of lucid dreaming, it really helped me and it has a bunch of good tips and tricks. :smile:

[i]1. Just set the idea in your mind to remember all your dreams, read LD realated topics(books,websites, stuff like that)

Ok, so until I get into the habit of it, just keep telling myself over and over again that I’m going to remember my dream? I tried the WBTB method after I wrote my first dream down, but I couldn’t remember another one, try as I may.

2.Anything emotions or just one word.

Ok, the more the better I’m sure.

  1. you could call it a muscle, because it works exactly like one.

I always figured the mind was a muscle [and unfortunately so precious few use it as one.] That’s how I see it. You don’t use it, you lose it. And any other mind-related skill is just like it [Chess, this, anything.]

  1. Rubbing your hands makes you stay in your “dream body” you make you mind think that everything is as real as reality

I see. Thanks.

  1. It could but you eventually wake up lol.

I know, but with more practice, you can prolong the period for longer and longer lengths of time, I’m sure. And reading topics like 'things to do while LDing and the challenge topics look like a LOT of fun [in my own time]. I’ll have to try many of the things I read.

  1. well WILD is when you wake up and relax and eventually go into a dream, even though i can be scary i hear it is one of the best ways to LD,but look around for different “execercises”

It can? I figured as much. I wasn’t sure if I felt my arms go into SP or not, but it felt like it. I thought I could feel it [and it was only my arms {at first}] so I was getting scared. Especially reading about the old hag and the demon.

  1. you could hang out with a friend but it might not really be them but a DC that your brain makes up. there is no real evidence that shows that you were really in their dream but there are topics of this.

So dream about them in any way you feel would trigger their dream persona and then call them the next day and ask. If it didn’t work, try harder and harder until success?

  1. You choose what you want to do in dreams weather that be study or have fun.

How do you study in dreams? As I mentioned before, reading doesn’t work for me. How do you study in a LD?

  1. yes, the more it happens the eaiser it is to stay awake… my first time i woke up from excitement within oh about 4 seconds lol

Then you had to go back to bed? That had to be frustrating.

I would recomend getting a book, Exploring the world of lucid dreaming, it really helped me and it has a bunch of good tips and tricks. smile[/i]

Awesome. I’ll have to look into it when I can.

Hi and welcome :wave:

While reading the above posts a few things passed my mind, let’s see if I can remember them :tongue:

  • lucid dreaming isn’t bad for you, as matt94 said, in terms of energy spent it’s the same as a normal dream, so you don’t get less sleep or wake up tired from your lucid adventures. The only way you’ll lose sleep is with techniques like WILD if you take a long time to fall asleep…

  • wake up and stay still to remember dreams. Even if you get nothing, wait a little. Something might just POP into your mind, it can really be that amazing. One second you’re there thinking you remember nothing at all and BAM! a whole dream appears in your head :content:

  • It is possible to have all your dreams lucid, but yeah, it takes dedication. I’m far from it, but from my first LD and what I’d read it’s completely worth it! I suggest you search the Dream Journal forum and find some cool DJ’s (specially Writerscube’s DJ, he’s been LD’ing since he was 4. Take a look to see HOW GOOD you can get :wink: )

  • The time it takes for you to get good at LD’ing, or to have your first, really varies from person to person. Try not to be too hard on yourself, and take it easy, if you keep practicing and beieveing you’ll get there.

  • try out some of the techniques for a while and see what works for you. I also recommend meditation, since a clear mind can do wonders!

Good luck on your quest :happy: