New to Lucidity, and needing help

Hi. :content:
I’m very new to lucidity, so please pardon me If I do something dumb or explain something horrible. :shy:
I try the MILD method, and I think I got somewhere while dreaming. First off, I can remember my dreams differently. One night I’ll remember the whole dream, and the next only the end. Then sometimes I only remember a few minutes of it (It seemed like a few minutes while dreaming). Before actualy going to sleep one night, I said to myself. ‘I will remember my dream. I will be aware of my dream’. When I did fall asleep and was dreaming, I was aware of it!(At least I felt being aware of it) But it only lasted a second or too, then me being aware of my dreaming went away, and the dream continued. Is this a start? Mabey I should try to remember my dreams completely before trying this, or I’ll only know I’m dreaming and have control for a short time. :confused:

I’m also the type of person to think I can’t do something, even if others can. Bad me. I try not to be negative.

:wave: Harley, welcome to LD4all

well, you were lucid in the dream so you can do it :yay: and next time it will be better since you will have more confidence in your own abilities

As long as you continue to work on your recall, using the MILD method doesn’t take up too much effort and it is all valuable experience :smile:

Yay! :hurray: I hope it will be better and longer next time. That time I only became aware of my dream while opening an atic door(Which may mean something, who knows), then -poosh- normal dream. I’ve been listing a whole bunch of things I want to do while lucid, but I shouldn’t be getting ahead of myself. :spinning: