I’m very new to lucidity, so please pardon me If I do something dumb or explain something horrible.
I try the MILD method, and I think I got somewhere while dreaming. First off, I can remember my dreams differently. One night I’ll remember the whole dream, and the next only the end. Then sometimes I only remember a few minutes of it (It seemed like a few minutes while dreaming). Before actualy going to sleep one night, I said to myself. ‘I will remember my dream. I will be aware of my dream’. When I did fall asleep and was dreaming, I was aware of it!(At least I felt being aware of it) But it only lasted a second or too, then me being aware of my dreaming went away, and the dream continued. Is this a start? Mabey I should try to remember my dreams completely before trying this, or I’ll only know I’m dreaming and have control for a short time.
I’m also the type of person to think I can’t do something, even if others can. Bad me. I try not to be negative.