I havn’t had many LDs, maybe 4-5 but I was wondering, is LD as refreshing as normal sleep? I mean your brain is more active and it doesn’t seem like it would be as relaxing. I want to know, because if I try to have more, I don’t want to be tired (I’m an athlete).
To my understanding, there is no need to be worried about sleep loss thanks to LDs. It is true that during lucid dreams your conciousness is more alert than during normal dreaming, but you have to remember that lucid dreams will only be a very small fraction of the entire time that you are alseep. Dreaming comes in cycles, that start out very short and get longer as the night progresses, and lucid dreams tend to occur towards the end of sleep, after you are already rested. I personaly find it nigh on impossible to have an LD when I’m tired. Also, in my experience lucid dreams are invigorating, rather than draining, experiences. Even if they are only very short, I still feel buzzy and super-awake for the rest of the day. The only time I lose sleep over LDs is when I’m getting frustrated by not having them…
your brain is supposedly just as active during regular dreams as it is during your lucid dreams, the only difference is the realization your dreaming… which doesn’t make your sleep worth any less. so it doesn’t have an effect if your LDing or not, this is what i’ve heard anyway.
Thanks for the answers, makes sense since LDing would be such a small portion of your total sleep.
Theres an other important difference… In regular dreams, you dont have logic, no matter how strange the dream is, you accept it as reality… You do alot of stupid things compared to when your awake, but actually in high level lds, your thinking is as clear as when awake… So there must be a difference??
well tomas,
stephen laberge said on his radio interview that lucid dreams can be just as restful or even more restful. he says that if you have a peaceful lucid dream than you’ll more likely feel more rested… and if you have a unrestful dream you can change it to a more peaceful restful dream anyway.
i interpreted that to mean that LD’s aren’t less restful than regular dreams… but if you have proof otherwise than i’d be glad to see it.