I’m not quite sure how this happened cause I havent even looked at anything to do with lucid dreaming for probably almost a year now although I used to be really active on this site and others and such and such. Anywho, last nite I think i LDed cause i was climbing these ice mountains/hills with someone who isnt really a friend but in the dream she was and there was a big freezing cold ocean below. I got to the peak of one, looked around and was like “hey i just remembered something, this is a dream, so i can fly just watched me” and I jumped into the air and was flying. I wasnt talking to the friend either, I was talking to my best friend who I used to talk about LDing with, it was kind of like “see amanda, this is what i mean by an ld” and then she was in the dream and i dont think she was before. I think after awhile i lost the excitement of flying or something though and lost it. What I can’t figure out is, was this an LD or me dreaming about an LD?
That was an LD.
But I’v has a few dreams that were like LD’s
Yup, that was an LD You can have LD’s without even thinking about them the night before. A lot of people get into LD’s that way – They have a lucid dream, think it’s really cool, and join a site like this to get involved with it more. That’s how it started for me…
On second thought I think I know what brought it on. I had gone to bed fairly early for me (around 10pm or maybe earlier) and around like 1 or 2 I woke up and couldnt get back to sleep. I was lying in my bed backwards thinking about whatever but I was awake and I went up to go to the bathroom then went back to bed. And i think it happened after that…