Now I really can't tell the difference between a dream and

As writen in my other topic, im trying to remember my dreams and its working out great. I decided too keep a dream diary. I write down everything I remember. But I forget some stuff and when I try to remember I think I make up stuff. How do you tell the difference? Silly brain…

I’m the same way. I usually wake up with sort of a storyline in my head, plus other random thoughts which seemingly have no connection to it. I end up trying to link them together for the sake of remembering everything… trying to “guess” why they’re there.

So, it’s not that big of a problem. If it’s already there in your head, you’re not making it up. :smile:

As Hexaditidom said, it’s not a big problem. Now this is an interesting comment Faisal_Fury786. Why do you think you made up stuff?

I have a similar problem too, with parts getting confused, and I often have the feeling that my brain is 'filling up’the space left by the forgotten details with invented ones…I usually try to write as much as possible in my D, including if i’m sure about something or I just seem to remember having dream tit.

A similiar thing happened to me in an LD; i woke up with a strong memory/feeling of being lucid in a dream, but just remembering bits and pieces of it. I remember those like it was reality, but i utterly cannot remember those “connecting” bits. I guess i had an ND after it which covered that LD up somehow. How frustrating!

It is hard to differentiate; but it happens to everyone and you just try your best i guess.

Writing down what you think has happened, since you do that according to the mood of the whole dream and the storyline of the bits you do remember, i reckon is just as effective as remembering it all. Of course you won’t make up outrageous scenarios trying to connect the dream up, and since the point of keeping a DJ is to remember dreams, filling in the bits and pieces will eventually help you remember future dreams better.

Like what Davide said, I think my brain is trying too fill up the black spaces.

Thank you. Anyway, this is not really important. The goal of a DJ is just keeping you more aware of your dreams, so that you’re less likely to forget a LD when it’s included in a ND.

It is a normal process for you to “make up” the missing parts of your memory. Everyone does it, the worse your memory is, the more you have to do it. Just try to rember what you were doing one year ago at this time on this day. As your dream memory gets better, you will do it less.