Numbing the body and trigger HI? best methods?

Okay my problem is, i understand i cannot help my dream recall, not right now anyway, i figure im gonna see how far i can go, i just wanna try to reach SP or further and then I go back to working Just on DR I say this because if i cant reach SP now, then i need to practice that as well, But eh, my real problem is getting my body numb, okay what have you guys done? For me, the problem is it takes soooo long, i mean i know most poeople are numb bodied after like 5 or so minutes maybe 10, takes me like double… any help? Also after i know my body is pretty numb is there anything i can do to persuade my mind so to speak to trigger HI or will i just have to wait?

To get your body to go numb, you move as little as possible and relax by the means you are most comfortable with. Like focusing on your breath or your body for instance. And try to become relaxed, surrender to relaxation. And observe what you experience. Remember you are supposed to go to sleep! Not stay awake. So don’t force yourself too much. Be calm and accept what comes.