Okay i know wild is where you go to sleep whilebeing awake repeating one im dreaming two im dreaming etc, well whats the difference between mild then? What exactly is mild, ive read it but i havent really understood it too well i guess, sorry, dumb question…
MILD is like autosuggestion. You utterly convince yourself that you will have an LD.
WILD is keeping your mind aware while you body goes to sleep.
Hope I helped.
With WILD you go directly from the waking state to dream state. With MILD you prep yourself to realize you are dreaming during a dream later that night.
WILD - awake -> lucid dream
MILD - awake -> sleep -> dream -> lucid dream
Because dreams usaly happen in 90 min. cycles and the first ones only after about one hour of deep sleep, MILD works whenever you go to bed, WILD works best after about two or three sleep cycles.
Those are excellent definitions, one other thing about WILD kaotix, there are multiple ways of doing WILD besides counting such as focusing on HI or feeling and visulizing a flame in your throat etc.
I find MILD easier… I can’t stand WILD, I’m just too bored to sit therem doing nothing and trying not to fall asleep.
But I guess WBTB is the best!
I found when I WILD, I concentarte to hard, and it doesn’t really work for me. Then again I have only mainly done it with HI…I think I’ll try something else.
Another note, those that fall asleep rapidly tend to find better success with WILD and those that take along time to gte to sleep tend to do better with MILD.