Olfaction induced lucid dream?

I thought of an idea one day and I want to share it…

I would post this in the lucid labortory but I can’t :razz:.

  1. Select some perfume/cologne/something that smells and smell it. Do a reality check. Throughout the day smell that smell and do a reality check once you smell it.
  2. Get someone else to put the smell near you so it would incorporate into your dream. Hopefully you will do a reality check and become lucid!.

This is also a way to make sure you remember a dream, because I heard your sense of smell is very closley connected to memory. Anyone care to try it?

it seems like OILD :smile: lol, this forum is full of crazy techs.

OILD = Orange Induced Lucid Dream…

Well, yeah this tech should work, but WHO will want to wake up at 4:00 am just to put smell near you?

OILD? I never heard of that…

It takes 90 minutes to go into an REM cycle, so if your in college or something and someone else stays up later than you, they can just do it once your in REM (just watch TV or something until you get into REM).