I’ve had 2 LD’s so far. First one occured about two weeks ago and the second one today.(2weeks apart, you catch my drift) Once you started having LD’s how consistantly did you begin having them? Did you gradually increase your frequency or did you jump into having them relatively often?
I usually only get them a couple times a month , but I guess thats because im usually to lazy to TRY and have them.
Ive had about 15 LD in two mouths time, I stoped for awhile, but I think Ill pick it up next week, I think they do increase if you keep working on it. I wish I had the will to keep it up for a year streight.
I had my first after 1 moth and 11 days of practising. The second came 29 days after the first one. After that I started having them at an average of 1 every 3 days approximately. Sometimes 9 days go by without any lucidity and sometimes I have 3 on the same night, it depends on stress levels and stuff but yeah, it is kinda periodic…
I have had them as long as i remember,but they were quite rare before i started reading about it. It took a couple of weeks from i joined this to i had one i could stay in and control. After i re-joined, the frequency went from 1 a month to 1 a week
I had my first after 2 weeks, and after that I had about 1/week.
That’s cool. I have been reading a book about it and trying to do it at least five times a week, so I really concentrate on becoming lucid So far, I have had around 4 LD’s in the past month in half of starting. I think a lot depnds on how often you have your mind on it…