Only Dreaming of Dreaming...

Could it be possible that we are not actually conscious during lucid dreaming, but our subconscious tricks us into beleiving that we are? Could this whole thing big a big sham!!!

Oh feck. I’m going to have the LD secret service on my tail now, aren’t I? :cry:

Of course you are going to. :razz:

Our sub-c can’ trick us into believing we are dreaming. Why else would we be able to feel we are lucid?

Smashes head against microwave for not taking about 1,000 things into account

Not to mention the scientific study results…

Well, go easy on me. Although I’ve been researching for almost a year now, I’ve only really had one or two lucid experiences. and they weren’t very good at that :content:

What’s the difference between being conscious in a dream and dreaming of being conscious? I don’t think it matters.

Ha ha ha! True. Either way, we still get that lucid feeling that’s just sooo exciting, don’t we!

This is exactly as the way I thought upon falling asleep when I was younger .

"If I now Go to a great place , dream or do anything special and forgets it inthe morning , how would I know ? "
How would I know I hadn`t done it ?
And has it really happened ?

What if we never dream, but dreams are just memorys suddenly placed in our minds when we wake up?

You could go even further than that and say what if our entire lives before this moment were nothing. The world was actually created this very second, and the creator implanted those memories into us upon creation!!!

Scary thought !

I think LaBerge proved that dreams are not just memories by monitoring controlled eye movements of lucid dreamers.
He talks about this in the “Awake in Your Dream” lecture.

Puh ! :wink:

i thought life was a dream quite a while
but then again, i allso thought it was a story being read to a kid that couldn’'t sleep:P

Who knows the true origins of the cosmos? Perhaps this is all the dream of some sadistic weirdo.

Yeah, sounds right :happy:

Sadistic weirdo,heh- keep it for yourself or you`re going to have Vatican Officiall Exorcists knocking on your door:)

yes, will everyone stop asking rhetorical questions. its maiking my head hurt.

:eh: How could my subconscious be so…so deceitful? :neutral:

I’ve had a dream where I was dreaming that I was lucid… I don’t know how to explain lol, but it was like dreaming that I was LDing. I don’t know, maybe I just had a very very low lucidity level or something, but in my dream I had NO control whatsoever, and at the same time I “saw” myself being lucid (kinda like I knew I was lucid but it felt totally different from being lucid and everything was still like a dream. I wasn’t aware of my dream at all, I just let it all happen and didn’t know that it was a dream, while at the same time I kept thinking I’m lucid and trying to do all these things, but it was like a dream-me trying to do all that, not ME me).

Sorry if I don’t make any sense lol, but my point is, I think actually being lucid and dreaming of being lucid is very different, it feels different.

Dream on. // Olesia

I once had a dream that I was in English class and our assignment was to go to sleep and then write about our dreams. In my dream-in-the-dream I knew I was dreaming, but I wouldn’t call it lucidity. I just knew I was dreaming because I was doing it on purpose. Or something. It was pretty odd. I remember writing down the dream while I was still in the dream, then waking up into the real dream. Weeeeiiiird…

I didn’t mind too much though, because the dream-in-the-dream was about a camel wearing a hat. :tongue: