Heres my theory about LDs, but I am sure it has been talked about before. It might also explain why WILD is so hard for me (and other people too). I picture an LD as another world somewhere else. When we sleep, we go there and “dream”. Its more like living another life in this dream world. When we become lucid we realize we are in this other world, and are able to control it. This would also explain SDs. Just by chance, two people go to the same world for a dream, and know each other IRL.
Since I have heard about LDs, I have been trying WILD, and never had any luck. Since that is my theory about a LD, durring WILD I feel like I would have to pass through some sort of boundary and get to that world. Since I don’t think I fully understand LDs, I don’t know what to expect from that boundary, and never get there.
What do you fellow LDers think about this?
The other world thing seems logical, since I seem to be a different character in my dreams and hold many strange beliefs. When I am lucid, it’s like I pick up one of those strange beliefs and question it. That is my boundary or RC.
Once you notice something strange- something that maybe crops up in a lot of your dreams, use it as an RC.
The boundary feels like hitting a brick wall or tumbling down a rabbit hole with lots of HI and sometimes hissing noises. It can be frightening and exhilarating in equal measure the first few times, and you will find yourself waking up over and over, after only a few seconds. At least, that’s how it was for me, but then of course, everyone is different.
I think, if you worry less about a boundary stopping you (as this may only reinforce negative thinking), Think of it more as a gateway to an exciting new world as you drift off to sleep and of course, keep you techs up during the day.
Good luck.