Order of the kin in the 13-moon calendar

Me and my friend were just wondering, is there a specific pattern/order in which the kin go in the 13-moon calendar? Or are they completely random each year?

If there is a pattern, could you please explain? We would really love to remember the days properly, instead of having to keep checking back. Thanks.

Greetings Wushan!

Yes there certainly is an order to which the kin flow. Just as the seasons follow a cycle (progressing from winter, to spring, to summer, to autumn and so on), so too do the kin in the dreamspell…

The pattern of kin, follow a 260-day cycle, measured by the Tzolkin or Harmonic Module - the “count of days”.

We progress from Kin 1 (in the upper left corner), down to Kin 20 (bottom left), and then through the next column (kin 21-40), and so on, until we reach the culmination of the Tzolkin - Kin 260 (bottom right)

There are two cycles involved in this “count of days”. You can see this as two intermeshing wheels, or patterns of energy.

The first is the cycle of the 20 solar seals

  1. Red Dragon ->
  2. White Wind ->
  3. Blue Night ->
  4. Yellow Seed ->
  5. Red Serpent ->
  6. White World-Bridger ->
  7. Blue Hand ->
  8. Yellow Star ->
  9. Red Moon ->
  10. White Dog ->
  11. Blue Monkey ->
  12. Yellow Human ->
  13. Red Skywalker ->
  14. White Wizard ->
  15. Blue Eagle ->
  16. Yellow Warrior ->
  17. Red Earth ->
  18. White Mirror ->
  19. Blue Storm ->
    0 or 20. Yellow Sun

The second is the progression through the creative motion of the 13 galactic tones

  1. Magnetic (one dot) ->
  2. Lunar (two dots) ->
  3. Electric (three dots) ->
  4. Self-Existing (four dots) ->
  5. Overtone (one bar) ->
  6. Rhythmic (one bar, one dot) ->
  7. Resonant (one bar, two dots) ->
  8. Galactic (one bar, three dots) ->
  9. Solar (one bar, four dots) ->
  10. Planetary (two bars) ->
  11. Spectral (two bars, one dot) ->
  12. Crystal (two bars, two dots) ->
  13. Cosmic (two bars, three dots)

Both cycles are counting alongside each other, so each kin is created from the interactions of the Galactic Tone for that day, and the Solar Seal that is present.

Good luck with the process of remembering the flow of cycle. It’s nice to have it down pat in one’s mind…


Thanks so much, I totally understand it now. :smile:

but i still dont get whats kin :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

hey there Dream!

Each “kin” can be associated with each rotation of the Earth on it’s axis. They follow a sequence. So today, for example is Kin 35: Blue Solar Eagle. Tomorrow will be Kin 36: Yellow Planetary Warrior, and so on.

The key here is that the number of the kin is associated with a particular energy. Such that if we know that Kin 35 is Blue Solar Eagle, we can work with that energy in some way.

Ie. The Blue Eagle represents the power of drawing forth the Larger Vision, and Creating from recognition of one’s place in it.

The word “Solar” is about Pulsing with one’s intention. You may set an intention/hope/dream, but you also have to move with the circumstances/situations that follow in order to allow that intention to unfold. I associate it with Trust.


How did the mayans know what “electric” and or electricity was?

Thunder and lightning,
very very frightening,
thus electrifying!

The names for each of the tones listed here weren’t used traditionally. Rather they were based on the interpretation of the mathematical codes of the Mayan Calendar, made by Jose & Lloydine Arguelles while creating the “Dreamspell”… The Dreamspell is basically a modern revision of the work aimed at making this understanding of time more accessible to people around the planet.

the 1st tone is called “Magnetic”. It attracts and brings things together.
the 2nd tone is called “Lunar”. Think of the Poles. The balance they create.
the 3rd tone is called “Electric”. Once you have three - you have a circuit. Electricity/movement.

(and so the story continues).

Strictly speaking, I’m not sure whether the Mayans knew what “electricity” was, at least in the same way we do. However this doesn’t mean their studies didn’t involve the same natural phenomena.


Ah that’s interesting…thanks for the info, I didn’t know this either.