Overwhelming happiness

A few nights ago I had a DILD, (the first non spontaneous), but I felt so much happiness that all I could do was smile and repeat “This is a dream” while I looked at the view amazed and still for about 20 seconds and than I wake up.

Any suggestions?

sounds kinda like a normal dream to me, were you able to move around or anything?

Since you realized it was a dream, it very likely was a lucid dream. :smile:

Enjoying the experience is not a mistake. :wink: Next time, you could try to apply the usual techniques to prolong a lucid dream, or even better, make a list of things you want to try in WL, remember them when you get lucid and have fun! :colgate:

I have no doubt it was a LD, I was just so happy that I couldn’t do anything except look and smile, I will try to be more active next time, my list of things to try at the moment is fly and the technique to prolong the dream is twist around, but this time I couldn’t do neither, I was just too overwhelmed…

It sounds like a wonderful dream, you need no suggestions.

I had a dream that, was on the borderline of lucidity. I was overcome by extreme happiness and love for the world and everyone, I was filled with this urge to do only good things. And i repeated that intention to myself. There was nothing that could make the dream better. Lucidity would have been nice, I may even have become lucid after that, but I thought only of this joy and love that I felt. I feel that if I had been lucid and started doing lucid dream stuff it would only cheapen the experience.
Treasure dreams like that, they may be the only ones!

I have been lucid dreaming for years and i have found that my very best dreams can be ones as simple as the one you have had here. Carry this feeling with you onto your waking self and you will know what lucid dreaming is all about.

i sometimes go lucid and do exactly what you have done on purpose unitil i awake. It is the ability to create that feeling of happiness that is so special.

You will have many more lucid dreams yet to come, be proud of this one and have a goal for your next one. It will come and know that you will be able to do your goal and it shell be done

Congrats and good luck

when you do get lucid do not try to do flippy dee dos out of your bed.

It sucks when it immediatley wakes you up into the old hag.

f’ you beotch
