Partially lucid?

Hi first post :grin:

This morning I had what I think is the closest I have ever come to a lucid dream. I woke up about 8 o clock and dozed back off to sleep after about half an hour. I then had a series of dreams during which I kept waking up. I remember waking up paralysed with a ringing, sort of feedback sound in my ears. I shut my eyes and went under and remembered thinking to myself “I am dreaming” I could see myself lying in bed and tried to make myself float about but it didn’t happen. This happened about 2 or 3 times. I felt like I was definitely asleep and was aware I was dreaming but just couldn’t influence my dream enough.

I also kept having surreal little dreams that were taking place in the room where I was sleeping which was quite weird as well as other full blown dreams taking place elsewhere but I was not lucid at this point.

Its really hard to tell exactly what went on! After this expereince, I definitely want to start to work at getting a real full on lucid dream as it felt very cool even though I didn’t really do anything!

Hi Djay, welcome to LD4all! :smile:

You’re right, you were very close to having a lucid dream! I think you must have (accidentally) used WBTB. The paralysis and the feedback noise are to do with the brain changing mode from awake to asleep; your brain paralyses your body to stop you from acting out your dreams, and the sound is the electrical charge being sent from your brain to your ears to create the sensation of sound.

I don’t know about seeing yourself in bed though. An out-of-body experience maybe? I don’t really know.

This was an excellent attempt however, well done! :grin: Just keep up your motivation and willpower, and you’re getting closer and closer to lucid dreaming! Just keep at it! :content:

I think seeing yourself in bed is a part of SP / Old Had, because you sometimes don’t have your eyes open but see your room and think it’s real.

keep at it

Not sure if it’s the same thing you experience, but sometimes when I wake up in the early morining and just shut my eyes, I start seeing dreamscapes appear and even interact witht hem. However, its not a dream, its as if half of me is in the dream and the other half is still in bed. Its really odd because i feel so close to WILD but I never fully leave my body.