PILD (Pain Induced Lucid Dream.) xD

PILD, (Pain Induced Lucid Dream.)

(This is a Semi-Joke Thread) And an extreme way of becoming lucid easily.

STEP 1: Dislocate your toe or hurt your foot or hand by doing something stupid.

STEP 2: Constantly check your toe or hand every 5 minutes just to see if anything is happening to it, or it is turning grey, continue this process for 1 full day atleast.

STEP 3: Be in intense pain all the time.

STEP 4: Go to bed whilst still in pain, and find it extremely hard to get to sleep because of the pain.

STEP 5: After being awake and in pain for so long, randomily fall asleep and enter a dream because your so tired.

STEP 6: During the dream look down to check your toe (or check your hand) only to find out you have about 20 toes/fingers.

STEP 7: Become Lucid.

STEP 8: Wake up because you cannot hold onto lucidity for more than 4 seconds, and most likely because your in pain.

Yeah…This was a joke, but still…the theory is there for inducing lucid dreams, after being awake in bed for so long, I just fell asleep no matter how much pain I was in, the lucid dream I had was extremely vivid and I could hear myself talk perfectly which I found to be quite weird. A topic may have been made to discuss this before, but…I just felt like doing 1. :content: The steps are just a joke really, but you can kinda understand what I was trying to say, basically doing forced RC’s and having your mind on that 1 thing sooo much, you just have to do it in the dream also. An extreme way of helping demotivated lucid dreamers to have their first lucid dream, but by all means! I recommend you don’t hurt yourself just to have a lucid dream. XD I hurt myself by accident, I promise. :tongue:

Any questions are welcome.

Ironically this is an actual technique. Mind you, your version is a tad… extreme. PILD usually deals with being in a uncomfortable posistion, and it’s happened to me once or twice when I felt a pain in my leg like it was cramping but stretching didn’t help. Still, it’s not a tech I would highly recomend since pain generally means something is wrong and needs to be fixed :tongue:

Vokteraven , this is a great technique especially for those who loves pain .

:lol: This technique sounds a bit too painful for me…