Placebo Effect

I would recommend that you all try the placebo effect for inducing lucid dreams.
Make up some concoction of food or drink that comes out of your own home and mind.
Whatever you make is obvously waht your body thinks is the best thing to help you dream better.
While eatting or drinking it tell youself, “With this in my I can’t not lucid dream tonight”. Give it a try and tell me what happens.

Interesting idea Fdroy :smile:


Good idea. I would suggest that you use something that has been reported to help LDing - that way you will really believe that your LD concoction will work. If you know it’s a placebo, it might not work. You have to believe.

I have found that orange juice works good for me, also mint - whether it be mint tea or altoids. :smile: Let us know if you come across anything that gives good results.