Please help me! (WILD)

I’ve tried to WILD many times now, and I have been extremely close. Many times I have had the :peek: wanderer stage, and had control over my amygdala. Also I’ve had hypogognic hallucinations of my dad talking at 1 in the morning when he was out cold. then when I am about to get it, picture has started to form, and it just blurs out. Another factor that might be happening is I might be going into partial paralysis, because I swallow a lot. Please :help: with instructions, or other methods to get around this.

Topic edited for clarification :tardis:

WILD is a very difficult method, and I wouldn’t recommend starting it. DEILD, a form of WILD, has a high success rate, and you can read about it on the forum. If you get a lot of sleep, WBTB is good too.

Thanks for the advice :smile: ! ill try it out. Tonight i’ll try going to bed around 9 o clock-ish and should i set an alarm with a smooth happy alarm, or an annoying one that will wake me up?(sorry i’m new at this forum idk how to reply to your comment)

That’s perfectly alright! You can use the quote button, if you like, but I generally don’t like doing that :tongue:

If you are doing WBTB, I’d suggest something that would make you want to get up. Like the annoying one. Stay up for about an hour, while doing something lucid-related, then go back to bed. Because you don’t want a smooth happy alarm for this :tongue:

Sounds good! But i am a teenager with limits on my stuff, so reading about lucid dreaming is next to impossible unless I write my own book on it :razz:. Is the DEILD okay to start with?

Any technique you feel comfortable with is fine. But if you want to try DEILD, you certainly don’t want to set an alarm which you have to turn off, moving too much will kill your DEILD attempt.

I agree only partly with MagykKatte about choosing an annoying alarm. Of course it’s important that you really wake up (and don’t fall asleep again like I do sometimes…) but if your alarm is too loud, it’s like a shock for you and you’ll jerk awake which will most likely wipe away all your DR. There’s also autosuggestion which may work for you.

About WBTB, you’ll have to try out which amount of time where you are awake works best for you. If you can’t buy a book about LD’ing, there are lots of other things you can do during your WBTB, you can write your dreams down, reread them, plan what you’d do in your LD,…